Alexander Volkov建筑事务所为豪华住宅综合体NV/9 ARTKVARTAL设计了一个销售办公室,它是如此的奢华,以至于大多数人会满足于忘记公寓而搬进去。这个180平方米的办公室位于莫斯科的一套顶层公寓,全室以混凝土为基调,拥有8.5米高的山墙天花板,还可以看到Yauza河的全景。

Alexander Volkov Architects have created a sales office for luxury residential complex NV/9 ARTKVARTAL, and it’s so luxe that most people would be content to forget the apartments and just move in there. Located in a Moscow penthouse, the 180sqm office had an impressive concrete shell to begin with, featuring panoramic views of the Yauza River and an 8.5m gable ceiling.

两个高的,黄铜镶板的盒子里可容纳公用设施,并隐藏了一个厨房,浴室和储藏室。它们用来区分客厅,并展示了NV/9 ARTKVARTAL开发的比例模型,一个圆形会议室和一个员工办公室。

Two tall, brass-panelled boxes house utilities and conceal a kitchen, bathroom, and storage. They serve to differentiate the living room, displaying a scale model of NV/9 ARTKVARTAL development, a round meeting room, and an employee office.

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

隔断没有采用实墙,而是使用悬挂在黑色金属杆上的靛蓝色天鹅绒窗帘环绕着会议空间。 所有硬件都使用黑色金属,包括线性聚光灯,桌子和椅子,这是与主要的黄铜结构相对的阳刚元素。由 Alexander Volkov设计的独一无二的灯照亮了住宅区的详细比例模型,周围有25个灯泡。

Rather than creating walls, an indigo blue velvet curtain encircles the meeting space, suspended on a black metal rod. Black metal is used for all the hardware, including linear spotlights, desks and chairs, a masculine element against the dominant brass structures. A one-of-a-kind lamp designed by Alexander Volkov illuminates the detailed scale model of the residential complex, consisting of 25 bulbs around the perimeter.

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

办公空间,国外办公室设计,地产销售办公室,Alexander Volkov

设计公司:Alexander Volkov
摄影:Ilya Ivanov,Julie Petrova

