为了吸引年轻一代租车、购车,丰田在日本名古屋推出概念店“Drive To Go”,这是一个半餐饮、半租车的实体店。该店位于大学附近,正是年轻人的聚集区,丰田的思路是,尽管年轻人还没到买车的年纪,但是在为他们提供一个可以休息的场所的同时,也让他们能在这里租车、体验车。通过与朋友在这个空间闲逛,年轻人将受到启发,一起开车去城郊。
The purpose of this store is to offer automotive experiences to young people who generally lack contact with cars in their daily life. The space inside the store is decorated with sophisticated glamping imagery. By hanging out with friends in this space, young people will be inspired to go on driving trips out to the outskirts of town together.
Rather than simply designing a space, this project creates a new kind of service for young people. It represents a communication design, and a new business design for Toyota Motor Corporation. Our design experience has a wide range, including brand design, interior space design, web design, menu development, cafe tool design, and car rental program development.
Initially, the request from Toyota Motor Corporation was to establish an automotive showroom for young people. However, we proposed to “design an experience” that went beyond just creating an auto showroom, instead creating an atmosphere where young people would want to spend time and be inspired to take a trip in a car. Thus, this project transitioned into a new service creation project that involved various Toyota Motor Corporation departments, and eventually was implemented as a shop directly managed by the Toyota Motor Corporation.
项目名称:Toyota: Drive to go, Nagoya