Horizon是在犹他州Powder Mountain上海拔2743米处建造的首个预先设计的社区。它包括30个面积从93到279平方米不等的小屋,以及许多巧妙布置的车库,还有一个名为“先锋小屋”的公共小屋供房主们使用。买主可以从四种房屋类型中选择,这些房屋有的模仿山羊的轮廓,有的是交叉纹理,像极限滑雪者一样从山腰突出。然后为每位房主定制小屋。具有主题的多变策略与剧烈起伏的地形相结合,使得整个社区既有很强的统一感,又有丰富的多样性。前八个小屋现已完工,随后的单元正在建设中。

Horizon is the first pre-designed neighborhood to be built at 9,000 feet elevation on Powder Mountain, Utah. It consists of 30 cabins ranging in size from 1,000- 3,000 square feet, along with a series of strategically placed garages, and a communal lodge called the ‘Pioneer Cabin’ for the use of the homeowners. Buyers choose from four typologies, which either follow the contours like mountain goats, or are cross-grain, projecting off the mountainside like extreme skiers. The cabins are then customized for each owner. The theme and variation strategy, in combination with the dramatic topography, results in a neighborhood that has a powerful sense of both unity and variety. The first eight cabins are now complete, with subsequent units under construction.




Commissioned as a home base for Summit Series, an ambitious speaker program that attracts a community of innovators and social impact investors from a broad range of fields, this new village is an architectural expression of Summit’s values: community building, climate responsiveness and land stewardship. This isn’t another ski resort, but rather a planned community for entrepreneurs and creatives working together to address global challenges.




The cabins are aggregated around courtyards in a way that maximizes both community and privacy to foster chance meetings and social interactions. The experience of passing from garages, between units and under bridges is like a game of ‘Snakes and Ladders’. The siting of the buildings and bridges was also carefully organized to minimize views into neighboring units, while framing unobstructed, southwest sunset views.



气候回应措施包括被动式的朝向确定,同时使用了蓄热混凝土地板和循环地暖。钢制支柱使建筑物轻盈地立于脆弱的高寒荒漠景观中。另一方面,一群被保护的庭院在开阔的、常有大风的景观中创造了微气候。密集的社区将使Powder Mountain上约46.5平方公里的大部分地区保持未开发状态,为后代保护下来。

Climate responsiveness begins with passive solar orientation, combined with thermal mass concrete floors and hydronic-in-floor heating. The steel stilts make the buildings light on the fragile high desert landscape. A series of protected courtyards create micro-climates in an otherwise open, windswept landscape. The dense neighborhood will allow the majority of Powder Mountain’s 11,500 acres to remain undeveloped, and conserved for future generations.



小屋与Mountain West的度假景点里常见的夸张建筑形成鲜明对比。受到下部的Eden山谷中雪松谷仓的启发,每间小屋均由雪松屋顶和垂直搭建的雪松墙构成。铝合金木窗和雪松木内饰完善了被委托人称作“现代遗产”的整体雕塑效果。这里年降雪量极高,故小屋入口位于二层,通过钢桥进入,Powder Mountain也正是因此得名。

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple’s modest cabins stand in contrast to the excessive architecture that is now typical of resorts in the Mountain West. Each cabin consists of a cedar-shingled roof and vertical shiplap cedar walls inspired by the cedar clad barns of the Eden valley below. Aluminum-clad wood windows, and cedar interiors complete the monolithic sculptural effect called ‘Heritage Modern’ by the clients. The cabins are accessed on the second floor via steel bridges due to the extremely high annual snowfall that gives Powder Mountain its name.



MacKay-LyonsSweetapple自去年在丹佛开设卫星工作室以来,目前有许多在美项目在建,而这是首个完工的项目。他们的做法十分出名,即吸收当地建筑实践和材料文化,适应当地气候和景观,来创造具有适应性、典型特质和普遍共鸣的现代建筑。类似的村庄建造项目包括位于安大略省马斯科卡Bigwin岛、布雷顿角Margaree的Golden Groves以及大西洋边缘的新斯科舍省的Shobac农场上的小屋集群。

This is MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple’s first completed project of many currently in construction in the United States since opening a satellite studio in Denver last year. The practice is well known for drawing on regional building practices and material culture, and looking to local climate and landscape, to create responsive contemporary architecture that expresses archetypal qualities and universal resonance. Similar village making projects include a recent collection of cabins on Bigwin Island in Muskoka, Ontario, Golden Groves at Margaree in Cape Breton, and Shobac Farm in Nova Scotia, on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.





∇ 总平面图


∇ 小屋户型平面


∇ 东立面图


∇ 南立面图


∇ 剖面图


项目名称:Horizon Neighborhood
建筑公司:MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects
设计主创 Brian MacKay-Lyons
摄影:Doublespace Photography, Paul Bundy

