柏林的这家薄荷绿眼镜店由Oskar Kohnen Studio设计,顾客可以拉开抽屉查看眼镜的款式。
Customers can peek inside cabinet drawers to see the glasses on offer inside this mint-green eyewear store in Berlin, which has been designed by Oskar Kohnen Studio.
This is the eyewear brand’s third retail space in the German capital, joining branches in the city’s Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg neighbourhoods.The two-level store, which was formerly a fast-food restaurant, has been completely stripped back to feature a floor-to-ceiling mint-green cabinet, assembled out of disused tool cupboards from the 1960s.
Different glasses models are presented inside each of the unit’s 375 pull-out drawers instead of on typical display plinths, a move the brand hopes will “invite discovery” amongst customers.
Above hangs a contemporary lighting fixture comprised of glass tubes that are bunched together by steel rings.A doorway then leads through to an optometry room centred by a pistachio-coloured chair, where customers can get their eyesight examined. More glasses can be found down at the store’s basement level, accessed via a staircase with a mint-green balustrade.
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项目名称:Lunettes Selection store
设计公司:Oskar Kohnen Studio
摄影:Jacques Nguyen