继时代广场的Moxy之后,Yabu Pushelberg和Rockwell Group又合作设计了位于纽约切尔西街区的Moxy酒店的室内设计。设计公司Stonehill Taylor完成了35层高的建筑设计,采用了Corten钢柱和巨大的窗户。
Following on from the Moxy in Times Square, Yabu Pushelberg and Rockwell Group teamed up to designed the interiors for the location in New York’s Chelsea neighbourhood.Design firm Stonehill Taylor completed the architectural design of the 35-storey building with Corten steel columns and huge windows.
A small florist run by Putnam & Putnam is located at the front of the hotel, alongside an Italian patisserie. Both are fronted with huge glass doors that swing up to open them onto the street.
客人可以在花店后面的Yabu Pushelberg设计的接待处办理入住手续,这是Moxy的简约待客方式的一部分。桌子从天花板上垂下来,霓虹灯招牌上闪烁着与鲜花有关的标语。
Guests are able to check themselves in at the Yabu Pushelberg-designed reception behind the flower store – forming part of the Moxy’s stripped-back approach to hospitality. Desks hang down from the ceiling while neon signs flash slogans related to flowers.
由Rockwell Group设计的带有木板标记的弯曲混凝土楼梯从一楼通往一楼大堂区域。这一层的主要区域被设计成一个共享办公空间兼酒吧。晚上,会有一位DJ会来播放音乐。
A curved concrete stair imprinted with the markings of wooden boards leads from the ground floor to the first-floor lobby area, designed by Rockwell Group.The main area on this level is designed to function as a co-working-space-cum-bar. At night, a regular DJ turns up to play music.
Tucked behind the bar is a three-storey-high glass conservatory that offers views to the Flower Market below. Greenery runs all the way up the wall facing the glass.
The elevators separate this side of the first floor from the other half, where the design team has created an adaptable meeting space and lounge area that can be “deconstructed in five minutes”.
Rockwell Group在酒店顶层设计了Fleur夜总会。根据一楼区域的主题,它以全景落地玻璃墙为特色,可以打开360度的视野,从自由女神像到帝国大厦。
Rockwell Group topped the hotel with The Fleur Room nightclub. Following on from the theme of the ground floor areas, it features glass walls that can be opened up to 360-degree views spanning the Statue of Liberty to the Empire State Building.
Other amenities at the hotel include a cafe, bakery and Ferroce restaurant on the ground floor.The restaurant encompasses a private dining room, which is covered in custom murals, and a slim outdoor space for a more intimate eating experience.
Rockwell Group专注于打造公共空间,而Yabu Pushelberg的任务是在紧凑的空间中创建豪华、高效的客房。设计团队使用了定制家具来最大限度地利用有限的空间。每个房间都有内置的木床,根据不同的布局,包括特大号床,大号床,双人床和双层床。
While Rockwell Group focused on the exuberance of the public spaces, Yabu Pushelberg was tasked to create luxury, efficient guestrooms in compact spaces.As with the Moxy Times Square, the firm’s design uses custom furnishings to make the most of the limited space. Each room features built-in wooden beds, which range from king, queen, double and bunk beds depending on the layout.
项目名称:Moxy Chelsea hotel
室内设计:Rockwell Group & Yabu Pushelberg