伦敦品牌The Conran Shop位于首尔江南区的店铺是其第12家分店。占地2229平方米,占据了旧多层停车场的两层,与江南区乐天百货相连。Conran and Partners与The Conran Shop的内部创意团队合作,团队希望在商店的两层之间形成“阴阳平衡”,每一层都有独特但互补的装饰。

has filled two floors of a former car park with design-focused furnishings and objects for the home in Gangnam, Seoul, which is its 12th branch.The 2,229 square metres, The Conran Shop takes over two floors of an old multi-storey car park connected to Gangnam’s Lotte Department Store.Terrance Conran’s eponymous architecture and design practice worked with The Conran Shop’s in-house creative team to develop the interiors. The team wanted to form a “yin and yang-like balance” between the store’s two levels, with each floor having a unique but complementary fit-out.

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店


On the ground floor, which is dedicated to lifestyle products, almost every surface has been painted white. This creates a neutral canvas against which different design collections can be presented throughout the year.

一系列壁画为墙壁增添了色彩,每幅壁画均由色彩鲜艳的抽象形状组成,并向The Conran Shop的包装致意。其中一幅壁画是由英国设计师约翰·布斯(John Booth)创作的,他还为该店策划了一系列产品,其中包括他自己的脸型陶瓷花瓶和一些手绘阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)凳子。

Flashes of colour are provided by a series of wall murals, each composed of brightly-hued abstract shapes which nod to The Conran Shop’s packaging.One of the murals was created by British designer John Booth, who has also curated a selection of products for the store, among them are his own face-shaped ceramic vases and a handful of hand-painted Alvar Aalto stools.

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店


The retailer is hoping that after becoming more “entrenched” in the surrounding area as a design destination, it can begin to offer more pieces from local creatives.

在底层还有一个咖啡店,以Conran的中间名命名为Orby。 室内装饰着丹麦品牌卡尔·汉森(Carl Hansen)的木质家具和散发出温暖光芒的纸灯笼。

At ground level there is also the store’s cafe, titled Orby after Conran’s middle name. Inside, it’s dressed with timber furnishings from Danish brand Carl Hansen and paper lanterns that emit a warm glow.

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

商业空间,首尔,零售店设计,The Conran Shop,家居设计精品店,家具饰品店

项目名称:The Conran Shop
设计团队:Conran and Partners、The Conran Shop
摄影:Woo Kin Park

