这个位于英国巴斯的画廊由编辑Rosa Park和设计师Fred Rigby设计,以家庭生活空间作为艺术作品的背景。Francis Gallery占据了一栋遗产名录格鲁吉亚联排别墅的一层,它被设计成一个舒适的家庭环境,“向人们展示如何与他们的艺术共存”。这是《谷物》杂志编辑Rosa Park的创意,他与设计师和家具制造商Fred Rigby共同设计了画廊的内部。因此,整个画廊的房间都非常像居住空间,艺术品,古董和陶瓷作为装饰。

Homely living spaces serve as a backdrop to artworks inside this gallery in Bath, England, which has been created by editor Rosa Park and designer Fred Rigby.Occupying the ground floor of a heritage-listed Georgian townhouse, Francis Gallery has been designed to be a cosy, domestic setting that “shows people how to live with their art”.It’s the brainchild of Cereal magazine editor, Rosa Park, who worked alongside designer and furniture maker Fred Rigby to develop the gallery’s interior.Rooms throughout the gallery have thus been arranged much like living spaces, with artworks, antiques and ceramics acting as decoration.

商业空间,展厅设计,画廊空间,Cereal magazine,艺术品展示

商业空间,展厅设计,画廊空间,Cereal magazine,艺术品展示


The rear room seems to take cues from a typical study: in its corner lies a bean-shaped wooden desk that’s topped with a reading lamp and a handful of books.It leads through to a sitting area that’s anchored by a curved faux fireplace. A cream-coloured boucle sofa, pale-timber coffee table and huge pot full of wildflowers has also been used to dress the space.Walls have been painted a shade of buttermilk-cream, contrasting against the dark-wood floorboards.The gallery’s light-filled front room that overlooks the surrounding Bath streets will be used as a more typical exhibition space, displaying works from an international roster of artists throughout the year.

商业空间,展厅设计,画廊空间,Cereal magazine,艺术品展示

商业空间,展厅设计,画廊空间,Cereal magazine,艺术品展示

商业空间,展厅设计,画廊空间,Cereal magazine,艺术品展示

商业空间,展厅设计,画廊空间,Cereal magazine,艺术品展示

商业空间,展厅设计,画廊空间,Cereal magazine,艺术品展示


项目名称:Bath’s Francis Gallery
设计师:Rosa Park、Fred Rigby
摄影:Richard Stapleton、Rory Gardiner

