LanMoore建筑师将位于East Redfern遗产保护区的一个工业仓库改造成一个现代的四居室家庭住宅。这座两层楼的砖砌建筑经过多次迭代,曾经是一家Vegemite工厂,后来在90年代变成了一家艺术画廊和建筑师办公室。

Lan Moore Architects have transformed an industrial warehouse in a heritage conservation area of East Redfern into a contemporary four-bedroom family home. The two-storey brick building has been through many iterations, once a Vegemite factory and then in the ‘90s, an art gallery and architect’s office.

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore


The new home is also rather multi-purpose, comprising self-contained guest accommodation, a home office with an equine genetics laboratory, and an expansive garage with purpose-built storage for a collection of classic sports cars. The architects left the exterior almost untouched, adding only a few new windows into existing openings. Internally, original brick walls were exposed and large timber roof trusses highlighted, painted white. Maintaining an industrial feel was paramount throughout the renovation, with the owners requesting there be no timber, marble, or black finishes used.

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

Lan Moore解释说:“新建筑是互补的,但通过严格应用保留、循环利用的概念,并加强仓库的原始形式和空间质量,它与原始建筑有明显的区别。”精致的现代新元素与原有的特征形成对比并相互补充,避免了仓库美学中任何怀旧或感伤的再创造。显眼的桁架定义了新元素,例如框架玻璃立面形状,形成镜像反映了金属元素。玻璃创造了明亮、开放的室内空间,分隔墙停在桁架的底部,上面的透明玻璃使整个空间具有视觉连续性。屋顶的一部分被移除了,形成一个大型的户外露台,为宠物提供了玩乐的地方。

“New work is complementary but clearly distinguished from original fabric through a rigorous application of the concept of retention, recycling and reinforcing the original form and spatial qualities of the warehouse,” explains Ian Moore.Refined and contemporary new elements contrast with and complement original features, avoiding any nostalgic or sentimental reinventions of a warehouse aesthetic. The prominent trusses dictate the new additions, such as metal elements shaped to mirror them, framing glass facades. The glass creates bright, open interiors, with dividing walls stopping at the base of the trusses, clear glazing above allowing visual continuity throughout the space. A section of the roof was removed to form a large outdoor terrace, featuring real grass for the family dog.

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore


Half of the lower level contains the car garage, while the remaining half was divided between the laboratory, guest suite, entry hall and a large internal courtyard, which the upper living spaces look down onto. The courtyard is accessed via the half landing of a new steel stairway and is surrounded by an off-form concrete wall, containing a lap pool and garden beds. Moveable glass louvres surround the courtyard, providing shade and natural ventilation.

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

∇ 平面图

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore

悉尼雷德芬,住宅空间,私人住宅,工业风格,仓库改造设计, Lan Moore


项目名称:Redfern Warehouse住宅
建筑师:Lan Moore
摄影:Rory Gardiner

