
Meeting place of the VIP-clients is framed in natural stone. The recipe of the monumental reception is the following: to carve thick stone slabs, connect them at different angles, cut all the redundant parts, leave all the imperfections, enjoy. The table beats in the same rhythm as the wall — it is also made from natural stone, and completed with a light segment that visually zones the working table. The soft waiting area is in a warm contrast with the bold concrete tables. One wall is covered with the chestnut-wood panels and another one — with a matt glass. Lighting craters have grown out from the ceiling, filling the space with warm lava of light.

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

灯光环形山通向第二个接待处。在墙上的栗木中,有一张桌子被灰色金属包裹着,上面是设计师Sergey Makhno设计的Loza灯具。

Lighting craters lead to the second reception. Among the chestnut-wood panels on walls, there’s a table wrapped in liquid metal and sprinkled with designer lamps Loza by Sergey Makhno.

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计


Circled smart glass separates the open-space from two meeting rooms and a call room, forming a distinct semicircle.

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计

Sergey Makhno Architects,乌克兰基辅,Ukrainian投资公司,办公空间,办公室设计


项目面积:961,02 平方米
设计公司:Sergey Makhno Architects
摄 影:Maryna Hrechko

