温哥华室内设计工作室Ste Marie在该市设计了一家手工面包房,其家具灵感来自美国的Shaker movement。Flourist面包房邀请了Ste Marie来设计他们在这个城市中的第一家店。除了磨坊,商店还包括烘焙设施、自助餐厅和车间。

Vancouver interiors studio Ste Marie has designed an artisanal flour shop and bakery in the city that has furniture influenced by the American Shaker movement.Ste Marie was enlisted by bakery and flour mill Flourist to design their first location in the city. In addition to the mill, the shop includes baking facilities, a cafeteria, and space for workshops.

Flourist位于东温哥华的3433 Commercial St,这是一个新兴的社区。面包房的内部空间为2800平方英尺(260平方米),呈温暖的焦糖色。该公司由Shira McDermott和Janna Bishop创办,最初是一家磨坊,从加拿大农民那里生产谷物、面粉和豆类,并在网上批发。

Flourist is located at 3433 Commercial St, in East Vancouver, an up-and-coming neighbourhood in the city. Encompassing 2,800 square feet (260 square metres), the bakery interiors are a warm, caramel-like colour.The company was established by Shira McDermott and Janna Bishop first as a mill, producing grains, flour, and beans from Canadian farmers, and selling wholesale online.

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

设计师Craig Stanghetta表示:“我们想要的空间感觉就像站在一个完美的晴天的麦田里——与温哥华那些灰暗的日子形成鲜明对比。”Flourist补充道:“为了实现这一切,我们融合了农舍的感觉和良好的斯堪的纳维亚设计原则。让这个空间看起来既经典又现代,但同时又新鲜有趣。”

“We wanted the space to feel like standing in a wheat field on a perfect sunny day – a nice counterpoint to some of those grey Vancouver days,” said Craig Stanghetta of Ste Marie.”To pull it all off we incorporated a mix of a farmhouse sensibility and good Scandinavian design principles,” Flourist added. “The outcome is a space that should look classic and current but also fresh and fun in the same breath.”

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

基于这种参考,还从美国Shaker movement中汲取灵感,Ste Marie也设计了家具和配件。这种风格以简洁著称,近年来受到了Neri&Hu、Jin Kuramoto、Torsten Sherwood和Pinch等公司的青睐。

Drawing from agrarian references, Ste Marie also designed the furniture and fittings to take cues from the American Shaker movement. The style, known for its simplicity, has become popular in recent years with Neri&Hu, Jin Kuramoto, Torsten Sherwood and Pinch all recently referencing the aesthetic.

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist


Built-in shelves showcase the store’s baked goods, cookbooks, and other cooking accessories throughout, alongside Shaker antiques and other memorabilia. The mill is located at the back and is fronted by glass so it is also visible to customers.

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist

Ste Marie,餐饮空间,面包店设计,国外面包坊设计,烘焙房设计,Flourist


设计公司:Ste Marie
摄影:Conrad Brown

