Apartamento Leblon是位于巴西里约热内卢的一个公寓,由Felipe Hess设计。该空间使中性色调和开放式平面图背景下的复古和现代作品协调统一。定制的长凳沿着窗户的周边延伸,沿着主要起居区弯曲。

Apartamento Leblon is a minimal apartment located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, designed by Felipe Hess. The space harmonizes vintage and contemporary pieces set within the context of neutral tones and an open floor plan. A custom built bench runs along the perimeter of the windows, curving along the main living area.

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess


It was designed for a young couple with a small son. The architect having completely renovated the space, not only tearing down the walls and but also changing all of the finishings.The apartment is finished in light oak on the floor and cabinets while adding some fabric and linen on curtains and cabinets.

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

客厅有一个大弯曲的窗户,可以欣赏到海洋景色。 为了加强曲线,在其下方添加了长板凳。 它既可以作为房间的休息场所,又可以欣赏美景,放松身心。 模块化沙发面向两侧,起居区配有Jorge Zalszupin的Amoeba椅子和带Bruno Mathsson躺椅的阅读区。

The living room has a big curved window that has a view of the ocean. To reinforce the curve, the long bench was added under it. It works as a sitting place for the room, but also to see the view, laydown and relax. A modular sofa faces both sides, with the living area featuring Amoeba Chairs by Jorge Zalszupin, and a reading area with a Bruno Mathsson chaise.

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

在用餐区,一张厚实的天然木桌与一盏轻纸Noguchi灯和Sergio Rodrigues椅子形成对比。一扇推拉门将这个区域与厨房连接起来,厨房被橡木覆盖,中间有一座石岛。柯布西耶的灯是唯一的装饰物。

In the dining area, a chunky natural wood dining table contrasts with a light paper Noguchi lamp and Sergio Rodrigues chairs. A sliding door connects this area to the kitchen, covered in oak and has a stone island in the middle. A Le Corbusier lamp is the only decorative piece.

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess

住宅空间,巴西,公寓设计,国外住宅空间设计,Felipe Hess


项目名称:Apartamento Leblon
设计公司:Felipe Hess
摄影:Felipe Hess

