由阿姆斯特丹工作室HOP Architects设计,70平方米的Buddy Buddy咖啡馆由城市的联合国工作室设计的Le Toison d’or大楼的一层。

Designed by Amsterdam studio HOP Architects, the 70-square-metre Buddy Buddy cafe is located on the ground floor of the city’s UN Studio-designed Le Toison d’Or building.

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

店主在现场制作自己的各种坚果黄油,这些黄油在咖啡馆里与烤面包和其他食材一起供应。为了响应Buddy Buddy既是咖啡馆又是工作室,设计师决定创造一个双色的室内空间。

The owners make their own variety of nut butters on site, which are served in the cafe on toast and alongside other ingredients.To celebrate the fact that Buddy Buddy is both a cafe and nut butter atelier, the designers decided to create a two-tone interior.

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧


The curved counter and high seating areas that line the back half of the space and are finished in warm, nut-inspired colours including a metallic red paint.The other half of the space, nearest to the window, houses low seating areas and is finished in warm, milky-white colours that complement the building’s grey facade.

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

双色效果被应用到墙壁、地板和天花板上,创造出强烈的对比。 HOP将咖啡馆中间的区域描述为两种颜色相遇的“自由区域”,顾客可以“等待、漫步、逗留、环顾四周或自拍”。

The two-tone effect is applied to the walls floor and ceiling to create a sharp contrast. HOP describes the zone in the middle of the cafe where the two colours meet as a “free zone” where customers can “wait, wander, linger, look around or take selfies”.

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧

餐饮空间,咖啡馆设计,比利时布鲁塞尔,HOP Architects,特色咖啡吧


设计公司:HOP Architects
摄影:Michael Cerrone

