




Founded in 1954, MOVE is one of Italy’s high-end brands, headquartered in Milan. All home brands are originated from foreign designers, adhering to the traditional Italian craftsmanship and interpreting the perceptive sense of life. Because of the passage of time, the showroom will be re-polished and designed in 5 years.


XUNICA is also chosen because the founder of XUNICA has more than ten years of living experience and working history in Italy. MOVE and XUNICA choose each other, and the two combine with each other to achieve the replacement iteration of the move showroom and find the taste of modern life in the classic.

空间分析 Spatial Analysis


Tadao Ando once said: I believe that the way people live can be changed to some extent by architecture.

∇ 项目平面布置图

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

∇ 项目模型图

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

∇ 现场施工图

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN


The MOVE showroom is designed to create space in space by using the technique of creating space in space, creating infinite possibilities with a wide open space. Based on the consideration of the whole spatial environment, the space is activated with the minimum elements, so that the design thinking penetrates into every corner.


The plants are staggered in height, and the flowers and trees are arranged in layers. It is like a primitive forest, giving infinite ecological beauty.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN



The designers advocate the purpose of separation and openness, and are committed to creating a comfortable scale of human sensation, with the integration of nature, color, and life design engineering.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN



The difference between MOVE showroom and the same type of home showroom is the white space. The designer weighs the pros and cons to create a state of infinite possibilities for the client, with deep thinking as the main focus and a sense of spatial imagination as a supplement.

Blending timeless elegance with traditional home, artisanal mastery and attention to detail together. Seemingly simple, it gives a sense of stunning details. Without being bound to the breathing display of every inch of space, the unique approach reveals a distinctive temperament in an understated way。

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN


Combining a wide range of materials, elements and sizes. Adopting a truly extensive customization program. Dexterous hands that add emotion to the art of the home and come to life …… incorporates traditional Italian architectural details for flexible layouts.


Inseparable from the designers’ understanding of the architectural and interior environment, sharing a common aesthetic philosophy. Simple yet detail-filled designs, bold and clean lines, neutral and soft colors and strict production standards create sustainable furniture.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

在MOVE意大利家具展上,设计师朱旭及其团队展示了对MOVE展厅的设计与解读,以时尚潮流的设计概念,诠释意式极简独白,将意大利特色风格呈现在大众视野。意大利领事馆参赞Lorenzo Gonzo参加MOVE展厅开幕式时,称赞它像一位极具有风度的“绅士”,不断去提高内涵与修为。

At MOVE Italy, designer Zhu Xu and his team presented the design and interpretation of the MOVE showroom, with a fashionable and trendy design concept, interpreting the Italian minimalist monologue and presenting the Italian characteristic style to the public.

When Lorenzo Gonzo, the counsellor of the Italian Consulate, attended the opening ceremony of the MOVE showroom, he praised it as a “gentleman” with great manners, constantly improving its connotation and cultivation.


Will not be eager to bare all in front of you, let people slowly to explore the mysterious, unknown warm field, all the options are in your hands, giving a down-to-earth, the most sincere love.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN



The great way from the simple, the great sound, the great elephant invisible, is a wonderful portrayal, from the forest sun bath, leaving a smooth texture, years of sedimentation. Let people feel the ultimate sense of luxury. In the smell of the choice produced in Italy DR red wine aromatherapy, full of personality mood. The visual choice of warm light tones, so that the eyes feel very comfortable, relaxed state. Bring solid and harmonious real color to the family space.

更有客户体验后表达“这就是一种家的感觉。” 从色调和氛围上,都让人放松惬意,安静气氛让人想抱着枕头躺下进入梦乡。方圆棱角之间,承接着主人一天疲惫休憩,将整个空间变成一个温暖放松的环境。注入一种舒适感觉。把感官推向极致,充满对空间,距离,光线,情感地交汇,是功能与美学的完美融合。

Some customers even expressed “this is a feeling of home” after the experience. In terms of color and atmosphere, it is relaxing, and the quiet atmosphere makes people want to lie down with a pillow and go to sleep. Between the square and rounded corners, the whole space becomes a warm and relaxing environment by carrying the owner’s tired rest for the day. Injecting a sense of comfort. It is a perfect fusion of function and aesthetics that pushes the senses to the extreme, full of the intersection of space, distance, light and emotion.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN


MOVE showroom is not designed to be a furniture store in the traditional sense, but to incorporate more of the Italian lifestyle. In addition to furniture, we also offer aromatherapy, vases, and bedding. It is quite a kind of MOVE brand to fill the whole living space, but also hope that people from all walks of life can gather through MOVE this platform to experience life, exchange culture to improve the quality of aesthetics.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN




There was a Louvre-style glass tower in the center of the initial model, but it did not appear in the final report; the reason is that there was a dramatic episode during the communication, the client Mr. Jiang Ming is an Italian who has been living in China for more than ten years, and has been engaged in the home furnishing trade, so he can be called half Chinese to a certain extent, and he has great ideas and insights in the design of MOVE showroom.

在第一版设计汇报上采用以防潮,采光为主的玻璃盒子,设计思路出自于著名设计师贝聿铭 —[巴黎卢浮宫],玻璃盒子内置有植物和树,意为给MOVE打造出会呼吸,自然生态,保护环境的主旨。

In the first version of the design report on the use of moisture-proof, light-based glass box, design ideas from the famous designer I.M. Pei – [Louvre, Paris], glass box built-in plants and trees, intended to create a MOVE will breathe, natural ecology, to protect the environment of the main idea.


During the communication process, at first the client was very satisfied with the design and also indicated that it was the MOVE he imagined, but Mr. Jiang Ming was very excited when he knew through the design report that the glass tower element was implanted in the center of the showroom, which made him think of the French culture Louvre design and was very disgusted. He eagerly asked the designer to modify it.


This is how to describe the situation: “Oh, my God, a pure Italian, proud of Italy, in Italy “the church bells in every street are worth loving”. Even if I really love the design, I can’t go against my national beliefs. How can elements that contradict my beliefs appear in the design of a showroom I love?” Mr. Jiang Ming is characteristically friendly and kind, and when he learns that the design is against his views, he also shows his unique national beliefs and traditional habits, and keeps polishing and pushing with the designer, and the passionate independent thinking is in full swing at this moment.



Mr. Jiang Ming is characteristically friendly and kind, and when he learns that the design is against his views, he also shows his unique national beliefs and traditional habits, and keeps polishing and pushing with the designer, and the passionate independent thinking is in full swing at this moment.

It not only has beautiful lines and unique design philosophy. More than that, it is a mutual choice of national boundaries and cultures; art and beauty are cleverly integrated, and different cultural backgrounds meet. With an open and tolerant mind and equal exchange of dialogue, the flower of culture will blossom. Although a “cute” episode occurred, but it does not prevent the designer team compatible with each other’s different emotional beliefs and cultural differences, to create Mr. Jiang Ming’s ideal MOVE showroom.

Based on the synthesis of different opinions, the design team keeps trying to capture the needs of the client. Adjustment to broaden the design ideas. From glass box – round bar – crystal curtain. After several versions of reform, only to get the final approval of the client. Design crystal curtain vertically in the form of chandelier to solve the showroom space too permeable and semi-closed state with invisible translucent partition, full of practicality and creativity. Meet the local space display. Using the design concept of “division and openness”, adding “fusion” color. Present a complete and comprehensive furniture series.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN



Create a scene of warmth and artistic fusion.With space, light and shape, faithfully and purely.Tell everyone: When walking into this placeFull of expectations, happiness and longing for the future.

展厅设计,家具展厅设计,成都展厅设计,成都家具展厅设计,富森美家居move展厅,成都MOVE展厅,家具展厅设计案例,展厅设计案例,XUNICA DESIGN


Project Name 项目名称 |MOVE
Project location 项目地点|中国成都 富森美家居3号馆1楼
The project area 项目面积| 500m²
Project Complete 项目时间|2021年10月
Design Company 设计公司 | XUNICA DESIGN
Design Director 指导设计|Aurora 朱旭
Design Asistent 设计助理 | 向东海 周鑫星
Project promotion 项目推广 | 彭梨 何星
Project Photography 项目摄影 | 尔见摄影 / 方正 草塘
联系电话:彭:15208197626 何:13208117079



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