
Fate of Chaoshan

高晓松曾说:“文化融合越多的地方,东西越好吃。”其往往缘因人的汇集。潮汕是中 国最早下南洋的地区,从大西洋一路向下,到马来新加,或大洋彼岸,下南洋走番邦 的历史长歌之中,潮汕的美食也因浸染历史,得以味美丰富的地域特色而广受推崇。

Gao Xiaosong said: “The more culturally integrated the place, the better the food.” This is often due to the gathering of people. Chaoshan is the earliest area in China to descend to the South Seas. From the Atlantic Ocean all the way down to Malaya, or the other side of the ocean, in the historical long song of going to the South Sea, Chaoshan cuisine is also steeped in history and has rich regional characteristics. And widely respected.

海汕牛香便是这样一家主打潮汕特色牛肉火锅的餐饮品牌,扎根江南,口碑热烈,这 间位于龙湖天街的新店项目已是南京布局的第三家。以骑楼文化为空间主题,旨在打 造新颖而精致的餐饮体验空间,为金陵的食客们准备一段舌尖上的潮汕美食之旅。

Haishan Niuxiang is such a restaurant brand that specializes in Chaoshan beef hot pot. It is rooted in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and has a warm reputation. This new store project on Longhu Tianjie is already the third in Nanjing. , With the local arcade culture as the space theme, it aims to prepare a tip-to-shoulder trip for the diners in Jinling in a novel and exquisite dining experience space.

∇ 店铺外立面设计 Store facade design


提取骑楼文化中重要的红砖元素与拱形门窗,搭配绿植景观,为空间外立面营造出别致的 主题风景观,鲜明的视觉效果衬托出空间内部氛围浓郁的主题环境,透过窗边芭叶,沿边 餐位热气扑腾着过客的心弦。空间方寸,别有洞天。

Extract the important red brick elements and arched doors and windows in the arcade culture, and match the green landscape to create a unique theme landscape for the outer facade of the space. The distinctive visual effect sets off the theme environment with a strong atmosphere inside the space, through the window side The green plants, along the edge of the location, are throbbing with the heartstrings of passing passengers. The space is square inch, and it has a special flavor.

∇ 店铺外立面设计 Store facade design


∇ 餐厅明档与就餐区的联动 The linkage between the restaurant and the dining area


∇ 就餐区 Dining area



Dreaming in the Veranda

岭南建筑多是灰白色调,局部的绿色造景或植物点缀使得空间氛围更添几分自然的灵动感。 淡绿的地面花砖作为主要的骑楼要素,细腻地成为空间的注脚。长筒灯在木色阑珊下灯光 隐约,泛蓝的装饰壁画与红砖立面相交映,成为追寻岭南、情迷潮汕的真切一点一点。

Lingnan buildings are mostly gray and white, and local green landscaping or plant decorations make the space atmosphere more natural and dynamic. As the main arcade element, the light green floor tiles are the footnote of the space. The long downlights faintly illuminate under the faint wood color, and the blue decorative murals intersect with the red brick façade, making it a little bit of a real pursuit of Lingnan and fascination with Chaoshan.

∇ 就餐区的拱形木构装置 Arched wooden structure in the dining area


∇ 空间概览 Space overview


∇ 室外视角透过窗户望向室内 Outdoor perspective, look indoors through the window


∇ 店内空间细节 Store space details



Corridor World

在空间设计上以岭南建筑元素“骑楼”作为意向主题,以空间装置的形式,由繁化简, 运用当代化的设计语言将定制金属构件交叠出层次感丰富的空间,使得用餐区在布 局上有了装饰感与秩序性。木色的室内装置契合空间气质,廊间营造的行为动线, 将外向内的视觉体验拓展,同时也增强了别具一格的潮汕在地感,与日渐均质化的 同类火锅餐饮空间做体验区分,深化其品牌辨识度。

In the space design, the Lingnan architectural element “Arcade Building” is used as the intended theme. In the form of a space installation, the custom metal components are overlapped with a contemporary design language to form a richly layered space, making the dining area in the layout. There is a sense of decoration and order. The wood-colored interior installation fits the spatial temperament. The behavioral lines created between the corridors expand the visual experience from outside to inside, and at the same time enhance the unique sense of Chaoshan presence, distinguishing it from the increasingly homogenized hot pot dining space of the same kind. Deepen its brand recognition.

∇ 连廊装置 corridor installation


∇ 连廊装置 corridor installation





Years and turmoil may have worn down the color of Lingnan architecture, but the collision and fusion of multiculturalism has given it a unique and charming flavor. These flavors have lasted forever. Fortunately, they can still resonate with people under the charm of Chaoshan cuisine.

∇ 店内空间细节 Store space details


∇ 空间平面图 space plan


∇ 空间轴测 Axonometric space


∇ 空间外立面 Space facade


项目设计 & 完成年份:2021年


三厘社,由设计师钱钧与李茜创立于2014年, 是一支由十余位年轻设计师组成的专业设计团队,致力于成为最具创新精神的商业空间设计机构。从设计立足,长期关注商业空间及品牌革新。我们为包括餐饮、办公、酒店、时尚等多种形态的商业空间提供室内设计、品牌咨询与策划服务,同时涉及视觉设计与产品设计。 探寻多元,开拓辟新,通过空间联结更多设计的可能性。

TRIOSTUDIO, founded by Qian Jun and Li Xi in 2014, is a professional design team composed of more than ten young designers, which is committed to becoming the most innovative commercial interior design agency in China. Focused on commercial space and brand innovation based on design. We provide interior design, branding services for a wide range of commercial spaces including restaurants, offices, hotels and fashion related, as well as graphic design and industrial design. Trying to connect more possibilities of design by commercial spaces through exploring diversification and finding new ideas.

