
Dwelling Intelligent System Experience Showroom


When IoT technology connects home equipment and personal somatosensory, a systematic intelligent dialogue begins to take place inside and outside the architecture. The traditional living function has been redefined, and the smart home has gradually improved life to automation with its own initiative. People are freed from trivial matters such as turning off lights, pulling curtains, flushing toilets, and gaining a more comfortable and convenient living experience. From freeing hands to invading the mind, the realization of all-round information interaction has gradually become possible. At the same time, it has also reconstructed people’s basic imagination of life.

∇ 项目概览 ©彦铭视觉艺术(深圳)工作室Overall of the project ©Benmo Studio



Commissioned by GEMART, PMT Partners Ltd. conducted a smart home showroom in Guangzhou. The showroom focuses on GEMART’s cutting-edge technology in whole-house smart systems, including the full-scene experience areas of intelligent lighting control, intelligent curtain system and intelligent home theatre. The biggest challenge of this showroom is how to provide a better scene experience and show the product attributes of the ‘smart system’ in an intuitive manner.

∇ 项目外观 ©彦铭工作室 Exterior View ©Benmo Studio



The showroom is an independent building that has floor-to-ceiling glass walls on all four sides and a special architectural volume in the furnishing mall. From the outside of the showroom, the interior of the showroom can be seen directly through the glass wall. Therefore, architect hopes to utilize this spatial feature to convert the showroom into a totally transparent box so that the space created by the whole-house smart system becomes a complete ‘product’ and ‘spatial specimen’. Moreover, the various scenes and lighting changes controlled by the smart system in the interior become the outdoor display of the showroom.

∇ 项目外观(一层) ©彦铭工作室 Exterior View (first floor) ©Benmo Studio



The showroom is divided into two floors. The first floor focuses on the display of intelligent system panels and curtain systems. The design hopes to create additional display sides in a small display space by introducing cave-like display walls. Meanwhile, these walls are like the skeleton of the entire interior space. From the outside of the showroom, you can see the composition of the entire interior space through the glass wall. Coupled with the gradually changing effect of the lighting system, the entire building seems to be breathing and alive.

∇ 一层展示空间 ©彦铭工作室 Display area on first floor ©Benmo Studio



∇ 一层展示墙与天花 ©彦铭工作室 Display walls and ceiling of the first floor ©Benmo Studio


∇ 智能窗帘展示墙 ©彦铭工作室 Smart curtain system display wall ©Benmo Studio


∇ 一层展示墙与天花局部 ©曾喆 Display walls and ceiling of the first floor ©Zhe Zeng



∇ 红色的螺旋楼梯 ©彦铭工作室 spiral staircase © Benmo Studio



The spiral staircase along the arched wall leads to the second floor of the showroom, which is the experience area of the intelligent home theatre. On this floor, through the control of GEMART’s smart system, the entire house is interconnected and can be managed by a central key according to various users’ requirements and use scenarios, including lighting, TV, loudspeaker box, projection, curtains and the fireplace. For example, in the one-key switch to theatre mode, the extra-long arched curtain system surrounding the entire showroom will automatically close, the interior lights will automatically switch off and the movie projection screen and the surround sound system will automatically open. The entire process is synchronized, and the user, who is on the sofa at the center of the showroom, can directly feel the changes in the entire space. People outside of the showroom can also see the dynamic changes in the entire showroom. Thus, in addition to the direct experience of the intelligent system, the showroom boasts a strong product display attribute of the whole-house smart system.

∇ 螺旋楼梯通向二层 ©彦铭工作室 spiral staircase leading to second floor© Benmo Studio


∇ 项目外观(二层) ©彦铭工作室 Exterior View (second floor) ©Benmo Studio



∇ 二层空间概览 ©彦铭工作室 Overall view of second floor space ©Benmo Studio



∇ 不同场景模式下的空间灯光氛围变化 ©彦铭工作室

The change of space lighting atmosphere under different scene modes ©Benmo Studio


∇ 蓝色氛围灯光下的楼梯 ©彦铭工作室 Staircase under blue atmosphere lighting ©Benmo Studio


∇ 不同场景模式下的空间灯光氛围变化 ©彦铭工作室

The change of space lighting atmosphere under different scene modes ©Benmo Studio



∇ 洽谈休息区 ©彦铭工作室 Lounge ©Benmo Studio




In the present highly developed society with advanced technology, as well as the foreseeable future, the introduction of whole-house smart systems will certainly initiate a new evolution of the residence, an evolution that will bring us closer to the essence of living. PMT Partners Ltd. hopes that, through the design of this space, the possibility of using whole-house smart home systems in the next generation of intelligent houses will be explored.



Project Name: GEMART Smart Home Showroom
Design Firm: PMT Partners Ltd.
Principal Architects: Zhe Zeng, Yan Hu, Weihao Zhao
Design Team: Yongjun Lin, Qianru Lin, Yifan Peng
Photographs: Benmo Studio
Client: GEMART

