项目概况Project Overview
INGROUP为ZEEKR极氪打造的体验位于上海外滩SOHO C座,作为高端纯电车先锋品牌的ZEEKR极氪,在体验空间的塑造上更加注重个性和潮流的表达,INGROUP为其打造的品牌空间带有其潮流、年轻和先锋的品牌基因。INGROUP助力ZEEKR通过打造新零售体验趋势下的新能源体验空间,与用户一起构筑一个未来社交、科技消费的超级体验场景。
The new ZEEKR Center designed by INGROUP is located in Block C, The Bund SOHO, Shanghai, which has a long history and enjoying the prosperity of the entire Bund next to the Huangpu River. As a pioneer NEV brand, ZEEKR pays more attention to the expression of personality and trend in the shaping of experience space. Designed by INGROUP, the space has ZEEKR gene of trend, youth and pioneer. INGROUP coorperated with ZEEKR, building a super experience scene of future social and technological consumption together with ZEEKR users, creating a journey of new retail scenes.
∇ 项目外立面 ©INGROUP
灵感来自“Power Carrier”Inspired by “Power Carrier”
基于ZEEKR极氪新能源品牌的定位,我们把设计的灵感定位在未来世界的能源传输形态,提出了“能源母舰”的概念——Power Carrier,并进一步提取出“Power Transportation 能源传输”、“Power Boxes 能源方块”、“Information Screen 信息中心”、“Plug In能源柱 ”等空间元素形成不同的功能单元,空间中强调一种能源的流动感,以及未来科技感。
Based on the assumption of future energy transmission and brand attributes, INGROUP brought up the concept of “Power Carrier” , and further extracted “Power Transportation”, “Power Boxes”, “Information Screen” and “Plug In” spatial elements, emphasizing a sense of energy flow and future technology in the space.
∇ 概念灵感
∇ 空间平面手绘
The whole space is divided into two floors. There are two immovable closed stair cylinders in the long strip space. It is a big challenge to reasonably distribute the demands for the site. The entrance is located on the first floor, which carries more brand display function, as well as some light meals and negotiations, while the combination of amusement, parent-child, E-sports, conference, office, rest, and co-creation space is distributed on the second floor.
序章— 1F 接待空间IF Prologue
The space on the first floor serves as the main product display area and the corresponding supporting business areas. It integrates essential functions such as reception, catering, and negotiation, and gives the space a clear social attribute.
∇ 一层休闲区 ©INGROUP
∇ 科技感产品展示置
∇ 配饰墙 ©INGROUP
零重力通道Zero GravityStaircase
In order to establish spatial link between the first floor and the second floor, thus create a completed spatial streamline, we used a mirrored metal roof to create a zero-gravity sensory space, together with the huge mirror on the side, creating a Space Odyssey scene, which is also a sign for the mysterious space on the second floor.
Under the constraints of cramped space, we use the combination of mirror reflection, lighting, and spatial rhythm to try to solve the problem, and at the same time make the space have some surprises and fun.
∇ 镜面反射营造空间感 ©INGROUP
∇ 月球通道 ©INGROUP
电竞&会议区E Sports & Meeting Room
The roaming cabin is being set as E-sports room, providing customers with unique and immersive gaming experience.
∇ 智能工作区 ©INGROUP
∇ 电竞室 ©INGROUP
The multi-functional hall is set as the storage area of Power Boxes. The scattered box seats are made of semi-transparent materials to express the sense of future technology. They can be combined at will according to the needs of different activities to the needs of different scenarios.
∇ 多功能厅 ©INGROUP
游乐空间Game Zone
Visitors can enjoy multiplayer games and watch movies in this area. The giant curved mirror on the top makes the space present a strange futuristic sci-fi feeling. The combination form of the sofa can be changed: It can be divided into two groups for game experience, or can be combined into a group of the same square to see a movie.
The children’s play ara is also summarized into the overall space with the design language of a space capsule.
项目地点:上海市黄浦区外滩SOHO C座
创意总监:Raven Wang
设计总监: Hongchen Lin
设计团队:Peng Li
Project Name: ZEEKR Center- The BUND SOHO, Shanghai
Project Location: Block C, The BUND SOHO, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Project size: 575 sqm
Space design: INGROUP
Creative Director: Raven Wang
Design Director: Hongchen Lin
Design team: Peng Li
Completion date: Oct., 2022