壹所设计(E Studio)新办公空间隐于城市之中,整个空间看起来像一个“房子里面的房子”, 一个个“实体”体积落在现有空间内,对建筑的几何形状做出回应。空间设计以纯粹的姿态和凭直觉感知的表达,试图探索一种独立自由的空间形式,独特构思力量来自对天然与非天然之间常规的混淆。

The new office space of E Studio lies concealed in the city. The whole space design looks like a room in a room. Volumes spread the existing space, responding to the form of the building. The space design tries to explore an independent and free space form with pure posture and intuitive perception. The unique intention comes from the blur between the natural and the unnatural.

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壹所设计(E Studio)新办公空间所处之地为下沉式空间结构,室内和户外自然景观紧密连接,屋顶就是草坪园林景观,从而屋顶有局部倾斜及视觉拉伸感很強的梁。

The new office of E Studio is located within a sunken space, and the indoor and outdoor natural landscapes are closely connected. The roof is a lawn garden landscape with a partial slope and a strong sense of visual stretching.

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The unconventional trapezoidal layout and the collision between the exposed rough concrete structure of the ceiling and the delicate industry stainless steel give the space a brutal atmosphere, in the meanwhilemeets the functional requirements.

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The office design abandons the traditional independent-room layout, and the open plan contributes to more efficient communication and cooperation and enjoys the state of co-creation. ”Just right” is the most self-consistent attitude of the design team. The flat office structure and flexible working methods present a more independent consciousness and individual character.

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壹所设计(E Studio),一个由多专业领域的90后创意人组成的团队,警惕经验惯性,鼓励独立思考和辩证思维,包容性的交流碰撞并输出自己的观点,多元的设计实践涉及建筑、室内、品牌、景观等跨专业协作,也促使团队在多行业领域背景下不断学习,用跨界思维去做一些推动行业边界的事情。

E Studio, a team composed of post-90s creatives in various professional fields, is alert to the inertia of experience and encourages independent and dialectical thinking. Inclusive exchanges and collisions take place in the office, promoting the production of individual opinions. The diverse design scope, including architectural design, interior design, branding, and landscape design, has also prompted the team to keep learning in the context of the diverse industries and use cross-border thinking to do things that push the boundaries of the industry.

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At the entrance, an L-shaped metal block is made of matte stainless steel; a wooden viewing platform extends above the machine room; the wooden box in the space is a tearoom, and the top is used as a rest area, overlooking the office area; the regular-arranged cross metal modules cover the entire wall and can be embedded in laminates or wall panels at will to display material samples.

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Many large tropical plants are distributed throughout the space, and the natural ecology highlights its vigorous vitality under the contrast of rough concrete.

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办公区域一侧种了一顆几乎到天花板的椰子树,形成一个在树下即兴的聚集空间。“学校源于一颗树,开始于一群人在一棵树下讨论,说话的人不知道自己是老师,倾听的人也不知道自己是学生,互相交流他们对事物的感悟。” ——路易斯康

A coconut tree almost reaches the ceiling is planted on one side of the office area, forming an impromptu gathering space under the tree. “School originated from a tree. It begins with a group of people discussing under a tree. Those who speak do not know that they are teachers, and those who listen do not know that they are students. They exchange their perceptions of things.” ——Louis Kahn

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Making a good design is not an easy task. Designers are often in a state of pondering, and comfortable office space is crucial; the office atmosphere of the studio could change with time and situations. As night falls, the dimming light brings emotional buffering, allowing thoughts to dissociate and slow down.

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The hanging light brings more possibilities for different scenarios, and the variable lighting atmosphere brings the cocktail party, salon, and birthday after work with different emotions. At the same time, this is also a device for lighting programming and testing materials within the team to ensure the feasibility of the lighting design.

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不完美,倘若完美的,那它就没那么好了,设计师是聪明的展示者,懂得如何更好地展示自己的作品,更吸引眼球,精致的构图和修片,甚至有一些脱离真实的完美…… E Studio试图回到现实之中,将每个项目尽可能地真实呈现,保留初心。

It is not perfect, but this un-perfectivity is good. A designer is also a good presenter, and he knows how to better present his design, with more eye-catching and exquisite composition and polishing, some of which is even unreally perfect. E Studio tries to return to reality with the original intention, representing each project as realistically as possible.

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∇ 平面图

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Project Name: E Studio Office
项目地点:中国 深圳
Location: Shenzhen, China
Area: 260sqm
Completion Time: 11/2022
设计公司:E Studio壹所设计
Interior Design: E Studio
Design Lead: Fan Junjian, Zhou ,Xuanzhuo
Design team: Hu Yulong , Zhou jing, Deng Changyi
Materials: fair-faced concrete, matte stainless steel, panDOMO, Gabriel, birch boards, oak floor
家具品牌:MATSU玛祖铭立、Herman Miller、HAG
Furniture Brand: MATSU, Herman Miller, HAG
Lighting Design Consultant: Shen Zhen MOKE LIGHTING ELECTRIC Co.Ltd.
Ccustom Furniture: Ao Si Furniture factory
施工团队:梁智华 深亿装饰工程
Construction Contractor: Liang zhihua
Photographer: Zhang Chao, Luo Canhui, Tony Tan, Zhuo Yueheng
Special Thanks: Guangzhou HORNET STEEL ART Co.Ltd., MATSU, Pandomo,Gabriel, Ao Si Furniture factory

