“I create clothes for women who are not only fiercely fashionable

but also own their power and femininity.”

美国华裔设计师品牌JASON WU自2007年创立以来,始终用艺术对话时装,热衷于凝结多元女性力量,以时装表达自信无畏的女性气质,沉淀出品牌的优雅深韵。SLT受邀为JASON WU打造其大陆全新品牌空间形象。

Since its establishment of Jason Wu in 2007 by a Chinese-American designer, the brand has consistently engaged in a dialogue with fashion through art, devoted to capturing the multifaceted strength of women. It expresses a confident and fearless feminine essence in its fashion, conveying the refined elegance that characterize the brand. SLT was invited to craft an entirely fresh brand space for JASON WU in China.

∇ 入口 Entrance ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

∇ 项目概览 Overview ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计


The first store is situated within the International Finance Square in Chengdu. The fluidity of the curved walls delicately embraces the space, creating a naturally open and expansive store layout. The gentle curves extend and flow, evoking an inherent rhythm in the undulating space. Thoughts follow the change of gaze, exploring inward and expanding outward.

∇ 平面图 Plan ©SLT Design

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

SLT将品牌秀场中反复出现的立体花朵和特殊廓形抽象为柔性而富有张力的几何形体,将思绪绽放的瞬间定格于空间各处,构建出映射内心世界的“精神花园”。轻质片状造型墙、弧面岛台、曲型挂杆等元素作为媒介串联视点,形成自由流动的空间序列。此间漫步,JASON WU的高雅叙事与浪漫写意徐徐铺展。

SLT translates the recurring three-dimensional flowers and distinctive contours from the brand’s runway shows into flexible and potent geometric forms. Moments of blossoming thoughts are captured throughout the space, establishing a “spiritual garden” that mirrors the inner world. Elements such as lightweight panel-shaped walls, and curved countertops and hanging rods connect viewpoints, creating a freely flowing spatial sequence. As one strolls through this space, JASON WU’s elegance and romance gradually unfold.

∇ 柔性而富有张力的轻质片状造型墙Flexible and potent lightweight panel-shaped walls ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

∇ 弧面岛台、曲型挂杆等元素串联视点Curved countertops and hanging rods connect viewpoints ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

设计避免了装饰的堆砌,让服装成为主体,呈现品牌空间的极简主义本色。肤粉色调作为JASON WU全新的品牌色铺垫出空间的底色,多种材质组合拼接,营造温柔沉静的空间气韵,烟草色地毯提示了橱窗展示、高定陈列等重点功能分区。柔软细腻的粉色织物饰面与黑色木纹板内外交织,正反肌理的拼贴象征女性兼具柔美外表与内在力量,优雅与自信互为表里。

The design prioritizes simplicity, steering clear of excessive ornamentation and allowing the clothing to take center stage. This approach embodies the essence of minimalism in the brand space. A pink velvet color tone establishes the backdrop for JASON WU’s fresh brand space, seamlessly integrating various textures to create a gentle and serene atmosphere. Tobacco-colored carpets define strategic areas such as window displays and haute couture sections. The interplay of soft pink fabric and black wood grain panels symbolizes the dual nature of femininity, presenting both a graceful exterior and inner strength. Elegance and confidence harmonize in this intricate design.

∇ 橱窗展示区 Window display area ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

∇ 高定陈列和休息区 Haute couture section and lounge area ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

在为JASON WU塑造的全新品牌空间形象中,所有道具的造型轮廓呼应了时装的结构剪裁,精致雕塑的切角设计以统一的细节语言平衡了场域内的体量感与呼吸感,于细微处传达了品牌“embracing imperfection”的情绪主张,优雅与真实于内在深处共舞。

In crafting JASON WU’s new brand space, the contours of all props mirror the structural cuts of the fashion pieces. The design of cutting-angles for exquisite sculptures, employs a unified detail language to strike a balance between volume and breath in the space, and conveys the brand’s emotional assertion of “embracing imperfection” in details, where elegance and authenticity gracefully dance from within.

∇ 切角设计 The design of cutting-angles ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计


A sophisticated lighting system enriches the experiential journey, creating a garden-like ambiance. Prismatic lights set the stage for window displays, while concealed light strips delicately trace curves under clothing rods. Ceiling soft films mimic the natural flow of light, and programmable light films, as digital variations of decoration walls, simulating the inspiration and thoughts flowing within the depths of the heart, dynamically express the brand’s vitality and inspiration.

∇ 多层次照明系统 The sophisticated lighting system ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

以时装对话自我,于内在深处漫行其道,链接自然本真的灵魂,探寻凝聚内心的力量,收获自己真实而独特的“Inner being”。

Engaging in a dialogue with oneself through fashion, exploring the inner depths, and connecting with the authentic soul of nature, the design seeks to unearth the strength within and embrace one’s true and distinctive “Inner being.”

∇ 门店外观 External view of the store ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计

∇ 自由流动的空间序列 A freely flowing spatial sequence ©吴鉴泉Vincent Wu

零售店设计,服装店设计,女装店设计,服装零售店设计,商店设计,服装店设计方案,服装店设计案例,成都JASON WU全新空间形象,成都,SLT设计


项目名称:JASON WU 全新空间形象

Project Name: The New Brand Space of JASON WU
Project Type: Interior Design
Designer: SLT Design
Completion Date: 2023.11
Main Designer: Chen Ling
Design Team: Shanshan Jiang, Yaqian Cai, Chao Tang, Qian Zhang
Project Address: Chengdu International Finance Square 4F
Building Area: 102㎡
Photography: Vincent Wu
Customer: JASON WU

