由Various Associates万社设计打造完成的龚宅,以实用舒适性为出发点,关注家庭使用者的真实需求,以在地化思维研发适于当地的建造材料,将城里的生活方式与乡村的建筑自然咬合,在永嘉古村落,打造一处适合家人、朋友相聚并且居住舒适的家宅。

Gong’s House, designed by Various Associates, prioritizes functionality and comfort to address the real needs of the family. The design team has developed and incorporated localized building materials, integrating the urban lifestyle with the natural environment of the countryside, and offering a comfortable gathering and dwelling space for the family and their friends in the ancient village of Yongjia.


Village and family residence

800㎡别墅设计,800㎡,乡村住宅设计,乡村建筑设计,乡村别墅设计,老宅翻新,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,浙江永嘉龚宅一处城里人归乡团聚的家宅,浙江永嘉,万社设计Various Associates


Amidst the misty drizzle, the waters and mountains of Jiangnan unfold as if they were ink paintings, creating a serene setting for Gong’s House. Nestled in a village in northern Yongjia, Zhejiang, at the source of the Nanxi River, the house is embraced by peaks on three sides and terraced fields in the middle. During Jiangnan’s continuous rains, distant meadows morph into lakes, transforming the landscape into a secluded realm exclusive to Yongjia.

800㎡别墅设计,800㎡,乡村住宅设计,乡村建筑设计,乡村别墅设计,老宅翻新,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,浙江永嘉龚宅一处城里人归乡团聚的家宅,浙江永嘉,万社设计Various Associates


Built for reunion

800㎡别墅设计,800㎡,乡村住宅设计,乡村建筑设计,乡村别墅设计,老宅翻新,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,浙江永嘉龚宅一处城里人归乡团聚的家宅,浙江永嘉,万社设计Various Associates


The elderly of the Gong family live in the countryside, while the younger generation has settled in different cities. Mr. Gong, the homeowner, has been living in Beijing for many years, where his lifestyle has evolved significantly. With a large family, when all six siblings come back with their family and gather in the countryside during festivals, the old village house could not satisfy the needs of over 30 family members.

800㎡别墅设计,800㎡,乡村住宅设计,乡村建筑设计,乡村别墅设计,老宅翻新,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,浙江永嘉龚宅一处城里人归乡团聚的家宅,浙江永嘉,万社设计Various Associates

800㎡别墅设计,800㎡,乡村住宅设计,乡村建筑设计,乡村别墅设计,老宅翻新,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,浙江永嘉龚宅一处城里人归乡团聚的家宅,浙江永嘉,万社设计Various Associates



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