多数时候,人们会以自己对时间长度的感知来评判设计的力度,甚至会片面化地「设想」设计师的回应方式。比如临时,往往意味着设计点到为止,或者流于表面。显然,事实并非如此。一场仅仅为期 4 天的展会,我们和联影医疗准备了 6 个月。我们都在思考,如何在「临时」中展现一个想法,一种理念的生命力和持久度。以及,要怎么让人在有限的体验时间之内,感受到「为健康大同」的愿景?更重要的是,对于医疗的明日,当下的设计应该做什么回应?

People often mistake permanence as the hallmark of good design, dismissing short-term projects as superficial. They assume that anything hastily assembled will suffice and overlook the thought and effort behind even temporary designs.

However, reality often defies expectations. We spent six months preparing with United Imaging Healthcare for a mere four-day exhibition.

We set out to spotlight the idea of lasting impact and power in a temporary exhibit, determined to declare United Imaging’s mission of “bringing equal healthcare to all”. Our challenge: how do we convincingly portray the product as the future of medical care?

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

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E Studio 受邀设计了他们的 2024 CMEF 展会。

United Imaging Healthcare is dedicated to bringing equal healthcare to all. They provide a full range of high-performance medical imaging diagnostic and treatment equipment to customers worldwide and strive to improve the accessibility of advanced medical services. As a global leader in medical imaging equipment, United Imaging’s exhibit has become a staple at the annual China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF), bustling with visitors every year.

E Studio designed United Imaging’s 2024 CMEF exhibit.

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



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