APPAREIL Architecture面临着设计Mile-End咖啡馆的挑战,这家咖啡馆精品店充满了色彩和大胆。140㎡的空间设有咖啡厅、工匠工作室以及展示当地创作的精品空间。

APPAREIL Architecture rose to the challenge of designing a Mile-End café-boutique overflowing with colors and daring. The 1500 square foot space houses a café, artisans’ workshops, and a boutique space where local creations are showcased.

在接触APPAREIL建筑公司时,拥有该空间的夫妇,Radio Radio乐队成员Gabriel Malenfant和品牌Bouquet的创始人VéroniqueOrbande Xivry希望创建一个混合咖啡馆和工作室的混合空间精品。这种独特的协作精神体现在APPAREIL Architecture的重叠空间中,让客户在创作工作坊中获得独家一瞥,同时享受咖啡。

In approaching the APPAREIL Architecture firm, the couple who owns the space, Gabriel Malenfant, member of the band Radio Radio, and Véronique Orban de Xivry, founder of the brand Bouquet, wished to create a hybrid space that combined a café with a workshop-boutique. This unique collaborative spirit is expressed in APPAREIL Architecture’s proposition through overlapping spaces which allow customers to gain an exclusive glimpse at the creation workshop, all while enjoying a coffee.


位于创意Mile-End社区的St-Laurent街上,大窗户可以自然采光,同时让路人预览店面内的创意。Pastel Rita的咖啡厅区域因其温馨的氛围脱颖而出,因为以纪念加布里埃尔的祖母丽塔而得名。这部分空间由一个大型中央吧台组成,可以让咖啡师和顾客直接互动。这款定制家具以及APPAREIL Atelier的FLOE椅子采用光泽绿色涂装,为整个空间带来节日气氛。在吧台后面,一个由木板制成的隔板作为分隔,勾勒出墙壁的精品展示部分。这个面板上有大型拱形开口,将手提包,帽子和皮革配件放在隔板上向顾客展示。

Located on St-Laurent street in the creative Mile-End neighbourhood, the large windows allow for natural lighting, while giving passersby a preview of the creations placed in the storefront. The café section of Pastel Rita stands out through its welcoming atmosphere, and was so named in honor of Rita, Gabriel’s grand-mother. This part of the space consists of a large central bar which allows for direct contact between the baristas and the customers. Painted in a glossy green, this custom-made furnishing, as well as APPAREIL Atelier’s FLOE chairs, lend a festive tone to the room. Behind the bar, a partition made of wooden slats serves as a separating screen delineating the boutique section of the wall. This panel is punctuated by large, arch-shaped openings, putting the handbags, hats, and leather accessories on a pedestal. The curve of the golden ceiling reinforces the delineation of the space, while creating a luxurious effect that serves to highlight the creations produced in the workshop.


In the boutique, several architectural details act as displays for the artisans’ handbag and accessory creations. The predominance of curves and the pastel color palette give rise to a creative and playful atmosphere. A seating nook was custom-designed and faces large, metallic, window-adorned doors that allow curious customers to have a direct view on the artisans at work. This convivial zone seems to be taken straight out of another universe, as all its components sport a pastel pink color.


“Bouquet手袋品牌以其颜色而闻名,我的艺术世界,包括我的服装风格,也是如此。我们认为APPAREIL Architecture更清洁,甚至是现代风格,再加上我们对色彩设计的渴望,将是完美的“联姻”,而这正是我们作为最终产品所获得的。APPAREIL敦促我们以与我们想象的完全不同的方式可视化空间及其“流动”。现在,我们无法想象它是否正确。“Gabriel Malenfant和VéroniqueOrbande Xivry解释到。

“The Bouquet handbag brand is known for its colors, and my artistic universe, including my clothing style, is too. We thought that APPAREIL Architecture’s cleaner, even contemporary style, combined with our desire for a colorful design, would be the perfect marriage, and it’s exactly what we got as a final product. APPAREIL urged us to visualize the space and its “flow” in a completely different way than we had imagined. Now, we couldn’t imagine it being otherwise.” explain the owners, Gabriel Malenfant and Véronique Orban de Xivry.










