设计师Barber和Osgerby、Konstantin Grcic和Sevil Peach在为家具品牌Vitra举办的展览中探索当今办公室的样子。在科隆的Orgatec办公家具展(Orgatec office furniture fair)上展出的作品,以三个虚构的办公室为特色,展示了当今工作场所的多样性。它们包括一个为游牧工人提供的共享工作空间,一个可以在一夜之间变换的灵活办公室,以及一个既关注健康又关注生产力的总部。

Designers Barber and Osgerby, Konstantin Grcic and Sevil Peach explore what the office of today looks like in an exhibition for furniture brand Vitra.WORK, which is on show at the Orgatec office furniture fair in Cologne, features three fictional offices that showcase the diversity of today’s workplaces.They include a co-working space for nomadic workers, a flexible office that can transform overnight and an HQ that focuses as much on wellbeing as it does on productivity.

据Vitra说,21世纪的办公室在不断变化,并日益融入公共领域。Vitra的首席执行官诺拉·费尔鲍姆(Nora Fehlbaum)解释说:“我们看到人们在任何地方工作——酒店、机场、咖啡馆、海滩、从A到B的火车上。”“这些发展正日益把公共空间变成一个高效的工作空间。”

According to Vitra, the office of the 21st century is constantly changing, and increasingly merging with the public realm.”We see people working wherever they happen to be – in hotels, airports, cafes, at the beach, on the train from A to B,” explained Nora Fehlbaum, CEO of Vitra. “These developments are increasingly turning public space into a productive workspace.”




英国工作室Barber and Osgerby探索了咖啡馆和酒店休息室等空间如何成为非正式的工作场所,在工作中有三个功能。这个被称为“共享办公室”的设计突出了人们在他们没有永久依恋的空间中工作的方式。它表明,在这种环境下,传统的书桌变得多余了——游牧工人可以轻松地将笔记本电脑带到沙发上。

British studio Barber and Osgerby explores how spaces such as coffee shops and hotel lounges have become informal workspaces, in one of the three installations that feature in WORK.Called Shared Office, the design highlights the way that people work in spaces they have no permanent attachment to. It shows how, in this setting, the traditional desk has become redundant – the nomadic worker can just as easily take a laptop to a sofa.






“不管我们在哪里工作,如何工作,正式的工作规则都在逐渐消失——现在经常是在酒店大堂或咖啡馆里。”工作室创始人Edward Barber和Jay Osgerby解释道,“因此,办公桌不再是我们工作生活的中心。它正在逐渐消失。”

“Formal work rules are dissolving, regardless of where and how we work – now frequently in hotel lobbies or cafes,” explained studio founders Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby.”As a result, the desk is no longer at the centre of our work life. It is disappearing as an archetype.”



摄影:Eduardo Perez, Vitra提供

