
Using monochromatic palette both inside and out, Canadian firm ACDF Architecture has recently completed Hotel Monville in Montreal. Monville – a tongue-in-cheek Anglophone mix-up for the French words meaning “my city” – is one of the hotel’s many subtle cues that express a contemporary flavour of Montreal. Established by the owners of Old Montreal’s Hotel Gault, and the flagship for a future collection of properties, Hotel Monville targets travellers seeking “more for less” — removing all the unnecessary items, instead of providing guests with a sophisticated stay at an affordable price.

ACDF建筑事务所为这座包含269间客房的酒店赋予了当地的特征和与Gault酒店相似的优雅感,同时用设计呼应了酒店独特的经营理念。建筑的体量以一种现代主义的“tromp l’oeil”式设计(利用眼睛的错觉)从周围建筑群中脱颖而出。纤薄的立面由预制的混凝土板构成,每个窗格对应着一间客房。窗框的图案经过组合之后为整个立面带来节奏感、纹理感和适宜的深度。

ACDF Architecture set out to design a 269-room property with the local character and sophistication of Hotel Gault, but with a design aligned with Monville’s unique concept. Distinguished from the surrounding buildings by its height and its modernist tromp l’oeil design, the slender building’s façade is comprised of prefabricated concrete panels – each window demarcating a single suite. The panels comprise a pattern that breaks down the overall appearance of the façade, while giving it texture and depth.


三层高的裙楼以玻璃幕墙围合,使街道上的行人能够看到大堂和酒吧内部。优雅且用色简单的外观呼应着酒店内部干净整洁的公共空间,包括大堂酒吧、Gourmet Monville咖啡馆、各种集会区域、图书馆以及三个带有宽敞露台的顶层客房。

At grade, a three-storey curtain wall podium gives passersby views into the lobby/bar. The hotel’s elegant and monochromatic exterior matches the clean aesthetic of its interior public spaces, which include a lobby bar, the Gourmet Monville cafe, and various meeting areas, as well as a library and three rooftop rooms with a spacious outdoor terrace.


客人首先从带有倾斜天花板的前厅进入三层高的大堂,巨型的立柱传达出大教堂般的庄严氛围。这些立柱在带来永恒感和神秘感的同时也定义出了独特的区域和私密空间。白色的底座搭配以特别定制的Lambert & Fils灯具,为大堂赋予了人性化的尺度。以橡木覆盖的墙板沿着窗户排列,能够同时起到遮挡视线和平衡空间私密性的作用。窗户对面的墙壁上,悬浮的橡木盒子容纳了夹层空间、DJ台和洗手间走廊。公共区域为客人们提供了不同风格的就座选择,包括蒙特利尔的格子布艺沙发以及皮革长椅等。

Guests enter through a vestibule with angled ceiling before arriving in the soaring triple- height lobby. There, oversized columns convey the awe of a cathedral. The columns impart monumentality and mystery, while also establishing distinct zones and areas of privacy. Their white bases, lit by custom-designed Lambert & Fils lamps, help to provide the lobby with more human-scaled proportions. Along the windows, oak-clad fins both channel and shield views inside from the street, further contributing to the lobby’s play between openness and intimacy. On the opposite wall, floating oak boxes hold the mezzanines, the DJ booth and a washroom corridor. The public area encourages guests to linger and socialize, with varied seating options and styles, including Montreal tartan sofas and leather banquettes.



大堂还装饰着一幅由当地艺术家Valerie Jodoin Keating专门为酒店打造的壁画,以复古的黑白场景使客人们能够一睹蒙特利尔的历史。抽象的钢制屏风使人联想到城市中独特的外置楼梯。大堂的中央设有一个菱形的白色水磨石吧台,搭配以黄铜材质的细部。全黑色的咖啡馆与吧台形成对比,从早到晚为客人提供当地的特色美食。

Local artist Valerie Jodoin Keating created a custom mural for the space featuring vintage black and white photographs of urban life to amuse guests with glimpses of Montreal’s history. A steel screen abstractly recalls the city’s distinctive exterior staircases. At the apex of the space, there’s a lozenge-shaped white terrazzo bar with brass detailing. By contrast, the all-black and boxy cafe transitions from day to night, with a chef preparing an array of local fare from poutine to cassoulet.

配色简约的房间将客人的注意力引向落地窗外部,从而充分感受与房间内截然不同的风景。超大尺寸的床和定制家具共同为客人带来舒适的住宿环境。设计团队还为酒店挑选了一些富有蒙特利尔特色的产品,包括Lambert & Fils的灯具、Frank & Oak的制服以及Oneka的纯天然沐浴用品等。

A monochromatic palette sets a tone of simplicity in the guest suites – keeping attention on the floor-to-ceiling windows, which, in contrast to their effect of minimizing on the exterior, also enlarge the feeling of the rooms with expansive city views. The design team focused on providing guests with key comforts including king size beds and custom furnishings.The team curated an experience with some of Montreal’s nest brands to imbue a sense of local flavour, including lighting by Lambert & Fils; uniforms by Frank & Oak; and all-natural bath products by Oneka.












Hotel Monville will flaunt futuristic technologies too: Canada’s first self-check-in and smart televisions in the rooms that sync with personal devices and allow guests to order room service, which is delivered by a robot. Historic and contemporary, sophisticated and comfortable, and thoroughly local, Hotel Monville gives travelers a distinct taste of Montreal chic.



项目名称:Monville Hotel
设计公司:ACDF Architecture
摄影:Adrien Williams

