
These spectacular aerial images highlight the diversity of the world around us, one that produces beauty and inspiration at every turn. Yet sometimes us humans are guilty of screwing it all up. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own world and to think our decisions and our actions don’t have any influence on the greater picture. It can be easy to bury one’s head in the sand and leave it to someone else to fix the problem, while we are busy chasing our own dreams. But we can all do our bit to make better choices, especially for those of us whose work has a direct impact on the environment, like architects & interior designers, builders/ developers, product designers, suppliers etc.


宾厄姆峡谷矿,犹他州。这座矿山是世界上最大的人工挖掘地。它太大了,可以从外太空看到它.©Michael Lynch
Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah by Michael Lynch. This mine is the world’s largest man-made excavation. It’s so big that it can be seen from outer space.


Universal Experience©Catherine Hyland
Universal Experienceby Catherine Hyland.


葡萄牙的大理石采石场.©Tito Mouraz
Marble Quarries in Portugal by Tito Mouraz.


葡萄牙的大理石采石场.这些壮观的图像呈现在Tito Mouraz的书“开放空间办公室”中。穆拉兹花了两年时间参观了葡萄牙的露天矿,以捕捉地球下数百英尺的大理石采石场的转变。可以看到梯子和道路等小细节从岩石中爬出来,更不用说从上面看到的挖掘机器,让人们对这些采石场的博客规模有了强烈的感觉.©Tito Mouraz
Marble Quarries in Portugal by Tito Mouraz. These spectacular images are presented in Tito Mouraz’s book Open Space Office. Mouraz spent two years touring the open-pit mines of Portugal to capture the transformation of marble quarries hundreds of feet beneath the earth. Small details like ladders and roads can be seen creeping out of the rocks, not to mention the digging machines seen from above, giving a strong sense of the mind blogging scale of these quarries. Read on here.


Allradvatn © Jarrad Seng.
Alltervatn by Jarrad Seng.


Allradvatn © Jarrad Seng.
Alltervatn by Jarrad Seng.


Allradvatn © Jarrad Seng.在冰岛的一次公路旅行中,这位澳大利亚摄影师和电影制片人尝试了一些航拍。风险和他的努力肯定得到了回报 – 贾拉德创造了一系列令人惊叹的火山河流和熔岩荒地图像,可以作为抽象绘画传递。
Alltervatn by Jarrad Seng. During a road-trip through Iceland, the Australian photographer & filmmaker tried his hand at some aerial photography. The risk and his effort have definitely paid off – Jarrad’s created a series of stunning images of volcanic rivers and lava wastelands that could pass as abstract paintings. Read our interview with Jarred here.


法罗群岛 ©Jonathan Gregson for Cereal.
Faroe Islands by Jonathan Gregson for Cereal.


法罗群岛 ©Jonathan Gregson for Cereal.
Faroe Islands by Jonathan Gregson for Cereal.


瓦莱州沃利斯,瑞士 ©Matt Cherubino.
Valais Wallis, Switzerland by Melbourne photographer Matt Cherubino.


夏威夷NāPali海岸国家公园彩虹,©March Romano.
Rainbow over Nā Pali Coast State Park, Hawaii by March Romano.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“郁金香”。 每年,荷兰利瑟的郁金香田地在3月份开始盛开,并在4月下旬开花。荷兰每年共生产4,3亿个郁金香球茎,其中53%(2 30亿)生长为切花。其中,荷兰以鲜切花的形式销售了13亿只,其余的则出口:欧洲有6.3亿个灯泡,其他地方有3.7亿个。
‘Tulips’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. Every year, tulip fields in Lisse, Netherlands begin to bloom in March and are in peak bloom by late April. The Dutch produce a total of 4·3 billion tulip bulbs each year, of which 53% (2·3 billion) is grown into cut flowers. Of these, 1·3 billion are sold in the Netherlands as cut flowers and the remainder is exported: 630 million bulbs to Europe and 370 million elsewhere.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球新视角”一书中的’戴维斯 – 蒙森空军基地飞机Boneyard’。世界上最大的飞机存储和保护设施位于美国亚利桑那州图森市的戴维斯 – 蒙森空军基地。由第309航空航天维修和再生集团运营的boneyard包含超过4,400架退役的美国军用和政府飞机。
‘Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Aircraft Boneyard’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. The largest aircraft storage and preservation facility in the world is located at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona, USA. The boneyard – run by the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group – contains more than 4,400 retired American military and government aircrafts.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant”。 本概述介绍了西班牙塞维利亚的Gemasolar Thermosolar工厂。太阳能聚光器包含2,650个定日镜,它们聚焦太阳的热能来加热流过140米高的中央塔的熔盐。然后熔盐从塔中循环到储罐,在那里它用于产生蒸汽并发电。该设施总共每年排放约30,000吨二氧化碳排放量。
‘Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. This Overview captures the Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant in Seville, Spain. The solar concentrator contains 2,650 heliostat mirrors that focus the sun’s thermal energy to heat molten salt flowing through a 140-metre-tall central tower. The molten salt then circulates from the tower to a storage tank, where it is used to produce steam and generate electricity. In total, the facility displaces approximately 30,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“Marabe Al Dhafra”。 阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比的Marabe Al Dhafra别墅拥有约2,000人。位于世界上最热的地区之一,这里创纪录的高温是49·2°C。
‘Marabe Al Dhafra’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. The villas of Marabe Al Dhafra in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates are home to approximately 2,000 people. Located in one of the hottest regions of the world, the record high temperature here is 49·2°C.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“Arlit Uranium Mine”。 Arlit铀矿位于尼日尔的Arlit。法国的核能发电以及法国的核武器计划都依赖于从矿山中提取的铀 – 每年超过3,400吨。
‘Arlit Uranium Mine’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. The Arlit Uranium Mine is located in Arlit, Niger. French nuclear power generation, as well as the French nuclear weapons programme, are both dependent on the uranium that is extracted from the mine – more than 3,400 tonnes per year.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“铁矿石矿山池塘”。 尾矿是采矿作业产生的废物和副产品。这里看到的尾矿被泵入Gribbens盆地,毗邻美国密歇根州Negaunee的Empire和Tilden铁矿。一旦将材料泵入池塘,就将它们与水混合,形成泥浆形式的泥浆,称为泥浆。然后将浆料泵送通过磁分离室以提取可用的矿石并增加矿的总产量。为了达到规模感,本概述显示了大约2.5平方公里的盆地。
‘Iron Ore Mine Talings Pond’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. Tailings are the waste and by-products generated by mining operations. The tailings seen here were pumped into the Gribbens Basin, next to the Empire and Tilden Iron Ore Mines in Negaunee, Michigan, USA. Once the materials are pumped into the pond, they are mixed with water to create a sloppy form of mud known as slurry. The slurry is then pumped through magnetic separation chambers to extract usable ore and increase the mine’s total output. For a sense of scale, this Overview shows approximately 2.5 square kilometres of the basin.


“秦皇岛煤炭码头”由本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书。 中国秦皇岛港的煤炭码头是中国最大的煤炭运输设施。从这里开始,每年大约有2.1亿吨煤被运往中国南方的燃煤发电厂。2015年,中国政府的新数据显示,该国每年的煤炭燃烧量比之前披露的多17%。官方数据急剧上调意味着中国每年燃烧额外的6亿吨煤,并释放出比先前估计的更多的二氧化碳 – 几乎每年10亿吨。
‘Qinhuangdao Coal Terminal’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. The coal terminal at the Port of Qinhuangdao in China is the largest coal shipping facility in the country. From here, approximately 210 million tonnes of coal are transported to coal-burning power plants throughout southern China every year. In 2015, new data from the Chinese government revealed that the country has been burning up to 17% more coal each year than previously disclosed. The sharp upward revision in official figures means that China has been burning an additional 600 million tonnes of coal each year, and has released much more carbon dioxide – almost a billion more tonnes per year – than previously estimated.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“奥罗维尔湖船屋”。 停泊的船屋在美国加利福尼亚州尤巴县的新Bullards酒吧水库平静地漂浮。由于过去四年来严重的干旱袭击了该州,因此湖泊上停泊的空间较小,许多船屋已搬迁到附近的陆上储存区。
‘Lake Oroville Houseboats’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. Moored houseboats float peacefully on the New Bullards Bar Reservoir in Yuba County, California, USA. Due to a severe drought that has hit the state over the past four years, there is less space to anchor on the lake and many houseboats have been moved to a nearby onshore storage area.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“Shadegan Lagoon”。 在伊朗穆萨湾的Shadegan泻湖周围可以看到树枝状排水系统。“树枝状”一词指的是水池与树枝的相似性,当溪流穿过相对平坦均匀的岩石或侵蚀侵蚀的表面时,这种模式就会形成。
‘Shadegan Lagoon’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. Dendritic drainage systems are seen around the Shadegan Lagoon by Musa Bay in Iran. The word ‘dendritic’ refers to the pools’ resemblance to the branches of a tree, and this pattern develops when streams move across relatively flat and uniform rocks, or over a surface that resists erosion.


本杰明格兰特出版的“概述:地球的新视角”一书中的“摩押钾肥蒸发池”。 在美国犹他州摩押的钾盐矿中可以看到蒸发池。该矿产生钾肥,这是一种含钾盐,是化肥中的主要成分。盐从地下盐水泵入地表,并在巨大的太阳池中干燥,这些池塘充满活力地延伸穿过景观。随着水在300天的过程中蒸发,盐结晶出来。这里看到的颜色是因为水被染成深蓝色,因为较深的水吸收更多的阳光和热量,从而减少了水蒸发和钾盐结晶所需的时间。
‘Moab Potash Evaporation Ponds’ from the book “Overview: New Perspective of Earth” by Benjamin Grant. Evaporation ponds are visible at the potash mine in Moab, Utah, USA. The mine produces muriate of potash, a potassium-containing salt that is a major component in fertilisers. The salt is pumped to the surface from underground brines and dried in massive solar ponds that vibrantly extend across the landscape. As the water evaporates over the course of 300 days, the salts crystallise out. The colours that are seen here occur because the water is dyed a deep blue, as darker water absorbs more sunlight and heat, thereby reducing the amount of time it takes for the water to evaporate and the potash to crystallise.

“概述:地球的新视角”是一本令人惊叹的书和地球卫星图像的独特集合,提供了一种意想不到的人性观,源自广受欢迎的Daily Overview Instagram帐户,随后有超过五十万人。
“Overview: A New Perspective of Earth” is a stunning book and unique collection of satellite images of Earth that offer an unexpected look at humanity, derived from the wildly popular Daily Overview Instagram account followed by more than half a million people.


西班牙MardelPlástico的航拍照片©Bernhard Lang.
Aerial Photographs of Mar del Plástico by Bernhard Lang.


西班牙MardelPlástico的航拍照片©Bernhard Lang.“Mardelplástico”是阿尔梅里亚(西班牙南部安达卢西亚)地区的温室农业,景观中的图案是温室和用于种植水果和蔬菜的塑料薄膜,它是世界上塑料薄膜(约350平方公里)下种植的最大区域。每年出口数百万吨水果和蔬菜,收获的一半以上来自德国和其他西欧国家。“
Aerial Photographs of Mar del Plástico by Bernhard Lang. “Mar del plástico” is greenhouse farming at the region of Almeria (Andalusia, Southern Spain). The patterns in the landscape are greenhouses and plastic foils used for cultivation of fruits and vegetables. It’s the biggest zone worldwide for cultivation underneath plastic foils (about 350 km²). Each year millions of tons of fruits and vegetables are exported. More than half of the harvest goes to Germany and other western European countries.”


悉尼莫纳谷的岩石池©Gab Scanu。
Rock Pool in Mona Vale, Sydney by Gab Scanu.


美国,黄石大棱镜温泉© Niaz Uddin.
Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone, USA by Niaz Uddin.


Air Pixels ©Niaz Uddin.
Air Pixels by Niaz Uddin.


深水地平线海湾溢油事故 ©Daniel Beltrá.
Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill by Daniel Beltrá.


深水地平线海湾溢油事故 ©Daniel Beltrá.
Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill by Daniel Beltrá.


深水地平线海湾溢油事故 ©Daniel Beltrá.“航空摄影的独特视角有助于强调地球及其资源是有限的。”在深水地平线海湾漏油事件拍摄两个月后,Beltra制作了许多令人震惊的人为灾难图像。
Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill by Daniel Beltrá. “The unique perspective of aerial photography helps emphasize that the earth and its resources are finite.” After two months of photographing the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill, Beltra produced many visually alarming images of the man-made disaster.


空中模式拍摄融化的格陵兰 ©Daniel Beltrá.
Melting Greenlandic Aerial Patterns by Daniel Beltrá.


空中模式拍摄融化的格陵兰 ©Daniel Beltrá.
Melting Greenlandic Aerial Patterns by Daniel Beltrá.


空中模式拍摄融化的格陵兰 ©Daniel Beltrá.
Melting Greenlandic Aerial Patterns by Daniel Beltrá.


空中模式拍摄融化的格陵兰 ©Daniel Beltrá.贝尔特拉在一个小型飞机上盘旋在地面上,捕获了格陵兰岛融化的冰盖,展示了冰与水融合的雄伟照片。白色和蓝色的景观闪闪发光,在火山灰的碎片下融化。 这种腐蚀性残留物切穿冰层,产生黑白图案,导致冰盖分离和破碎。
Melting Greenlandic Aerial Patterns by Daniel Beltrá. Hovering above the ground in a small plane, Beltrá captured the melting ice sheets of Greenland, revealing majestic photographs of ice as it merges with the water. The landscape shimmers in whites and blues, melting under the debris of volcanic ash. This corrosive residue slices through the ice, creating black and white patterns that cause the ice sheets to separate and crumble.


南极洲的蓝色冰 © Julieanne Kost。
Blue Ice of Antarctica by Julieanne Kost.


南极洲的蓝色冰 © Julieanne Kost。
Blue Ice of Antarctica by Julieanne Kost.


南极洲的蓝色冰 © Julieanne Kost。
Blue Ice of Antarctica by Julieanne Kost.


南极洲的蓝色冰 © Julieanne Kost。
Blue Ice of Antarctica by Julieanne Kost.


澳大利亚盐场 ©Simon Butterworth.这个令人惊叹的摄影系列很容易被误认为油画,其中巴特沃思探索感知,期望和现实之间的关系。该图描绘了澳大利亚大陆最西端鲨鱼湾的无用环太阳盐作业。它是从一架轻型飞机上拍摄的,飞行在地面1200米到1500米之间。“高度对于通过使用长焦距来平整视角至关重要。一天中的时间和云层覆盖也是至关重要的,抽象效果因完全没有表示阴影而加剧,“Butterworth解释道。
Australia’s Salt Fields Captured by Simon Butterworth. This stunning photography series could easily be mistaken for oil paintings in which Butterworth explores the relationships between perception, expectation and reality. The image depicts the Useless Loop solar salt operation in Shark Bay, the westernmost point of mainland Australia. It was shot from a light aircraft, flying between 1,200 and 1,500 meters above ground.“The height was crucial in order to flatten perspective by using long focal lengths. Time of day and cloud cover were also critical, the abstract effect being heightened by complete lack of signifying shadow,” explains Butterworth.


北极系列 ©Brooke Holm.
Arctic Series by Brooke Holm.


北极系列 ©Brooke Holm.布鲁克霍尔姆探索了世界最北部地区的独特景观。在寻求美丽,沉默和孤立的探险中,霍尔姆发现的不仅仅是一个视觉上引人注目的自然环境。
‘Arctic’ Series by Brooke Holm. Brooke Holm explores the unique landscape of the northernmost region of the world. On an expedition that started in search of beauty, silence and isolation, Holm discovered more than just a visually arresting natural environment.


“盐与天” ©Brooke Holm.这个系列汇集了布鲁克的风景摄影与她对线性构图的敏锐眼光,描绘了西澳大利亚的盐田。
‘Salt and Sky’ by Brooke Holm. This series brings together Brooke’s landscape photography with her keen eye for linear compositions, depicting the salt fields of Western Australia.


“矿物质” ©Brooke Holm.探讨了冰岛充满活力的河流三角洲与人类好奇心痕迹之间的相互作用。火山灰,沉积物和多彩矿物被冰川水的行进收集和移动,而最近的人类遗物如车辆轨迹和脚步编织进出框架。在这个非常美丽而又令人生畏的自然力量深远的景观中,人类对环境的统治的局限性受到质疑。
‘Mineral Matter’ by Brooke Holm, explores the interplay between Iceland’s dynamic river deltas and traces of mankind’s curiosity. Volcanic ash, sediment and colourful minerals are collected and moved by the travels of glacier water while recent human relics such as vehicle tracks and footsteps weave in and out of frame. In this terribly beautiful yet forbidding landscape where the forces of nature are profound, the limits of humanity’s dominion over the environment are brought into question.


挪威的Preikestolen悬崖 © Nick Godsell. 在这里阅读我们对布鲁克霍尔姆的采访。
Brooke Holm standing on the edge of Preikestolen Cliff in Norway. Photo by Nick Godsell. Read our interview with Brooke Holm here.


西班牙大加那利岛火山海滩 ©汤米克拉克.
Volcanic Beach on Gran Canaria, Spain by Tommy Clarke.


邦迪海滩 ©Tommy Clarke.
Bondi Beach by Tommy Clarke.


墨西哥冲浪者 ©Tommy Clarke.
Body Surfers in Mexico by Tommy Clarke.


加勒比海安提瓜的圣约翰海滩 ©Tommy Clarke.
St John’s beach in Antigua, the Caribbean by Tommy Clarke.


亚得里亚海 ©Olivio Barbieri.
The Adriatic Sea by Olivio Barbieri.


亚得里亚海 ©Olivio Barbieri.
The Adriatic Sea by Olivio Barbieri.


亚得里亚海 ©Olivio Barbieri.
The Adriatic Sea by Olivio Barbieri.


亚得里亚海 ©Olivio Barbieri.亚得里亚海海岸线度假者的这些超现实主义画面由意大利摄影师精心上演,他们还展示了人物被移除的镜头,突出了项目所涉及的舞蹈编排。闪闪发光的蓝色大海的颜色得到了增强,以配合他对海滩夏日的记忆。
The Adriatic Sea by Olivio Barbieri. These surreal images of holidaymakers on the Adriatic coastline were meticulously staged by the Italian photographer, who also shows the shots with the people removed, highlighting the choreography involved in the project. The colour of the glistening blue sea was enhanced to match his memory of summer days at the beach.


空中南非 ©Zack Seckler
Aerial South Africa by Zack Seckler.


空中南非 ©Zack Seckler
Aerial South Africa by Zack Seckler.


空中南非 ©Zack Seckler
Aerial South Africa by Zack Seckler.


空中南非 ©Zack Seckler
Aerial South Africa by Zack Seckler.


空中南非 ©Zack Seckler
Aerial South Africa by Zack Seckler.


空中南非 ©Zack Seckler.这些引人注目的图像捕捉到成群的火烈鸟,大羚羊,甚至是在南非耀眼的蓝色水中休息的独行龟,都是从双座飞机的乘客座位上拍摄的。“从海拔15到150米之间,景观徘徊在看起来非常真实,可识别且更抽象的东西之间。这才是真正吸引我的现实与抽象之间的界限。“
Aerial South Africa by Zack Seckler. These arresting images capturing herds of flamingos, gemsbok, and even a solo turtle resting in the dazzling blue water in South Africa were shot from the passenger seat of a two-seater plane. “From elevations between 15 and 150 meters, the landscape hovers on the line between things looking very real and recognisable and being more abstract. That’s what really draws me in—the line between reality and abstraction.”


Aack Iceland © Zack Seckler.
Aack Iceland by Zack Seckler。


Aack Iceland © Zack Seckler.
Aack Iceland by Zack Seckler。


Aack Iceland © Zack Seckler.
Aack Iceland by Zack Seckler。


Aack Iceland © Zack Seckler.
Aack Iceland by Zack Seckler。


Aack Iceland © Zack Seckler.
Aack Iceland by Zack Seckler。


Aack Iceland © Zack Seckler.在这个系列中,摄影师将镜头转向冰岛最偏远的地区,其中许多只能通过空中进入。由此产生的图像是最小的,抽象的,几乎像梦一样,呈现了经常拍摄的国家罕见的俯视图。
Arial Iceland by Zack Seckler. In this series, the photographer turned his lens to the most remote areas of Iceland, many of which are only accessible by air. The resulting images are minimal, abstract and almost dream-like, presenting a rare overhead view of the frequently photographed country.


霓虹沙漠 ©Stefano Gardel.
Neon Desert by Stefano Gardel.


霓虹沙漠 ©Stefano Gardel.米兰出生的摄影师呈现月球沙漠的催眠图像,被夕阳的粉红色光芒照亮。Gardel充分利用他不同寻常的摄影技术方法来改变我们对沙漠现实生活的期望。由此产生的景观似乎是金属,城市,工业和其他世俗的.
Neon Desert by Stefano Gardel. Milan-born photographer presents hypnotic images of the lunar desert, illuminated by the pink glow of the sunset. Gardel makes the most of his unusual technical approach to photography to shift our expectations of the desert’s real-life appearance. The resulting landscape appears metallic, urban, industrial, and other worldly.

