本案位于浙江省嘉兴市海盐县,建筑面积约450平米,分上下两层。「再会吧 姑娘!」咖啡概念馆,该品牌定位以女性为主的咖啡空间。建筑师通过深入剖析得出以「曲线」彰显品牌内核,并将此概念融入设计中。
Located in Haiyan County, Jiaxing, the two-storied building covers an area of 450m2. Christened “Farewell, Lass”, it is positioned as a coffee space for women, and manifested in the design through the element of curves chosen by the architect after a longtime consideration.
▼建筑外观external view of the building
On the façade is painted the theme color—purplish blue.
Every woman grows out of the sweet girlhood over the years. Off they take their white skirts, say goodbye to baby fat, and don armours with shocking red lips. The brand is designed to endow women with idiosyncrasies while staying loyal to their soul, and the corresponding space is intended to reflect how a girl metamorphoses to be a better self.
▼天井实现空间联通The patio linking the space
The patio linking the two storeys enlivens the space and adds a touch of fun.
▼线性的理性与感性的空间The special logic and sensibilities
On the first floor, an enclosed courtyard is created with linear partitions. The space, which is at once isolated and linked, is imbued with a sense of community, and the functioning borders trigger a sense of belonging.
雕塑感极强的白色旋转楼梯是空间的灵魂,安静、独立 的置于一层中庭。「静如处子,动若脱兔」是建筑师想赋予该空间的性格。运用线性的灯光以及地面黑白棋盘格地砖的组合,来实现空间感性与理性的融合。
Standing in the middle is the white spiral staircase. Identified with a sculpture, it’s serene and independent, constituting the soul of this space. The architectural concept can be best explained through a Chinese saying: demure as a maiden and quick like an escaping rabbit.
Linear light and the checkered floor in black and white jointly provide the special logic and sensibilities.
The kaleidoscope of light and shade in days and nights is made possible by the combination of artificial and natural lights, which, filtered through the blind, flow in tempo with the change of time.
项目名称:“再会吧 姑娘!”咖啡概念馆(二店)
项目地点:中国 浙江省 嘉兴市海盐县
摄影师:Susan Tan