Airbnb日本的新家位于东京新宿区。Airbnb继续它的使命,创造了一个令人愉快、实用的功能性工作空间,并反映了Airbnb文化和“belong anywhere”的理念,并参考了当地建筑的特点和设计。从接待区到咖啡厅区,一条木小径通向类似建筑形态的会议室,这些会议室采用了Airbnb现有房型的独特外部覆层和内部设计。Airbnb环境设计团队与当地建筑师紧密合作,创造了这个500平方米的办公空间。

Airbnb is delighted to unveil its new Tokyo office in Shinjuku, Japan. Airbnb continues its mission to create functional workspaces that are enjoyable, practical and reflect Airbnb’s culture and ‘belong anywhere’ ethos with reference to local identity and design. From the reception and café area, a wooden path leads to a series of building-like meeting rooms, designed using distinctive exterior cladding and interiors based on existing Airbnb listings. Airbnb’s Environments Team worked closely with local architects, Suppose Design Office, to create a 500 sqm office space.

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

Airbnb环境设计团队对位于东京的Airbnb员工进行了调研和详细访谈,以概念化出最初的设计方案和平面图,他们与Suppose设计团队一起合作。前Airbnb东京办室由一系列公司套房组成,公共空间有限,限制了员工的沟通和参与。但是现在员工可以使用一系列工作配置,包括公共工作台,可调高度的办公桌,私人和半私人电话亭,休息室和咖啡馆,这样可以实现健康的人体工学运动,增加员工社交和参与度,以及贯穿“belong anywhere”的工作理念。

The Environments Team conducted extensive research and detailed interviews with Airbnb’s Tokyo-based employees to conceptualize the initial program and floor plan. They collaborated with Suppose Design Office to develop the layout and design elements. The former Airbnb Tokyo office consisted of a series of corporate suites with limited communal space, which restricted employee communication and engagement. Employees can now use a range of work configurations including communal work tables, height adjustable desks, project tables, private and semi-private phone booths, lounges and cafes. This makes for healthy ergonomic movement, increased socializing and engagement, and a ‘belong anywhere’ work concept.


In response to employee feedback, nature was heavily incorporated into the new design to create a peaceful working space where employees can escape the chaotic urban environment of the local area in Shinjuku. When employees enter the office, they are transported into a tranquil setting surrounded by plants. The reception area is reminiscent of an outdoor café with a double height atrium that floods with natural light and park inspired work areas with wooden communal tables and green flooring.

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间


A key element of the office is the Engawa, an elevated platform covered with Tatami mats inspired by traditional Japanese culture. Employees can remove their shoes and take a seat on one of the cushions where they can enjoy the spectacular view of Shinjuku. The tea house phone booths are made from local white oak and rice paper film to emulate the soft glow of a typical Japanese tea house.


One of the biggest challenges when designing the space was working with fixed low ceiling height, typical of architecture in Tokyo, and monotonous ceiling tiles. Employees expressed a key need to adapt the ceiling to make the space feel bigger and brighter. In response, Suppose Design Office and the Environments Team formulated a design that incorporated a black ceiling with dropped lighting so that the plane above disappeared and gave the impression of a higher ceiling and a bigger space.

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

除了建筑施工,设计团队还委托东京的承包商Setup为办公室定制桌子并委托当地制造商New Light Pottery定制照明设计,以支持当地的工艺。Suppose 设计团队为办公室设计的咖啡馆照明,让人联想起漂浮在空中的灯笼,墙上的壁灯受到户外街灯的启发,并定制了简单实用的桌子,由当地木材制成,并配有黑色金属。

In addition to the architectural construction, Tokyo-based contractor Setup was commissioned to create bespoke tables for the office and local manufacturer, New Light Pottery, was commissioned to realize bespoke lighting designs, supporting local craftsmanship. Suppose Design Office developed café lighting reminiscent of lanterns floating up into the sky, wall sconces inspired by outdoor street lighting and custom-made simple and functional tables, crafted from local wood with black metal accents.

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

室内设计,办公空间,东京Airbnb办公室,办公室设计,“belong anywhere”理念,功能性工作空间

设计公司:Suppose Design Office & Airbnb Environments Team
摄影:Studio Periphery

