Torafu architects在日本东京完成了aesop shibuya的店面设计,这是该澳大利亚护肤品牌的第十家零售店。该项目要求对明治大道的一层空间进行室内重新设计,后面是这个城市热闹的原宿地区。现有结构的门面长度为7米,空间深度为12米,建筑师保留了原有的框架,运用弯曲的木质框架,引导零售体验。

torafu architects has completed ‘aesop shibuya’ in tokyo, japan, its tenth retail outlet for the australian skin care brand. the project called for the interior redesign of a first floor space along meiji avenue, trailing towards the city’s lively harajuku area. the existing structure has a frontage of 7 meters and a depth of 12 meters with architects retaining the original framework with the addition of an curved infrastructure which navigates the retail experience.



这家店从涉谷地区不断变化的氛围中汲取灵感,涉谷是一个新旧建筑交相辉映的地方。在拆除现有的内部结构后,一个混凝土框架暴露在外,torafu决定保留其目前的状况。板栗木制成的木制框架为其增添了一种干净的表面和对比鲜明的触感。torafu委托日本木家具制造商karimoku new standard生产这些框架的,这些框架将空间组织得像一个分层画廊。

the store takes cues from the ever-changing atmosphere of shibuya, an area where old towns and new architecture coincide. after dismantling the existing interior a concrete skeleton was left exposed which torafu architects decided to leave in its current condition. the rawness of this is complimented by fixtures made from chestnut wood offering a clean finish and a contrasting tactility. japanese wood furniture maker karimoku new standard was commisioned by torafu to handle production of these fixtures which organize the space like a tiered gallery.


the curvature of these wooden units helps to delineate the interior, forming part of a larger infrastructure which navigates the space as a whole. the roundabout plan is centered on a large sink, a mainstay in aesop stores which aims to create an authentic experience encouraging customers to try out products. running adjacent to the left-hand side of the space, a separate island offers a place for point of sale. meanwhile, a curved bench at the front of the store, mirroring the form of the tiered shelving sat opposite, creates an intimate space for visitors to sit. as for the floor, cashmere carpet occupies areas on the existing concrete giving an impression of softness starting at the feet whenever people enter the store from the hard road surface.




the architects chose galvanised steel cladding for the aesop outlet, imparting unity between the façade and the metal fittings inside. serving as the face of the street-level store, the façade was designed to inherit the existing environment by adding eaves that appear to repeat the arch-shaped gate applied to the entrance of the next-door building.


‘we thought of a space where foundation and finish would coexist,’ torafu architects explains. as though in response to the continuous renewal of shibuya, we aimed to create a store space that possessed a dynamic contrast between the old and the new.




设计公司:torafu architects
设计团队:archiee(yusuke kinoshita & daisuke sekine)

